Tuesday, September 30, 2008


We paint pictures of our lives with words, we bloggers do.  But they're only snippets, snapshots of moments in time.  They're not a complete picture.  Some of us write only when moved to do so, some of us write as a means of venting or working through issues, and yet others write to share ideas.  Still, they're only bits of the complete person.
I realized last night that I usually only write when I've got emotional stuff going on and I use this blog as tool to vent those emotions and work through the issues.  I've painted a very tiny bit of my life and one might get the idea that I'm miserable all the time, which is far from the truth.  I laugh often, live well, love, and am loved in return.  I realize my writings are unbalanced and I need to do more writing about the good things, paint a more complete picture.  Granted this blog is still for me and my Master, I think he too needs to see more of the good stuff from me.
As a beginning....
I'm several months out from surgery now and I think I'm about as good as I'm going to get.  The implant helps with much of the leg and foot pain, nothing to be done about the lower back other than medication.  I'm adapting and forcing myself to begin walking on my breaks again, my body needs to move and it rewards me when I do.  I feel better, even if only mentally, I'm benefitting from the exercise.  I'm learning to relax my lower back when I walk and that isn't nearly as easy as it sounds but it does help and I haven't been having the muscle spasms as badly as I was before I figured out that little trick.  I'm also exercising at home.  Okay, so I'm not in a routine yet but I do have a workout that seems to be fairly low impact and feels good to do.  It's also easy because it's broken up into 10 minute segments so I'm not overdoing it and I don't feel like I've got to keep going til the end.  Ten minutes and I've moved my body, made it happy, and made myself happy.
I'm working at getting healthier too.  I found all the pounds I'd lost two years ago plus a few.  That doesn't make anyone's body happy and the extra load on my back isn't good.  So I'm eating better and less.  Okay I kinda goofed the last two days with chocolate cake and ice cream for dessert but it was Master's birthday on Sunday!  No excuse?  Darn.  I just began last week but I'm already down 1.5 lbs, that's a good start in my book.  Imagine what I could do if I exercised regularly?  That's what I'm thinking of. ;-)
So that's me for now... new beginnings

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