Sunday, March 11, 2012


I am sick with stress.  I'm sick knowing I have lost friends due to my own behavior or X's trust breaching.  I am sick with feeling I cannot trust anyone because they choose to be sheeple and not ask my side of it.  Dominus says they've shown their true colors and to be done with them.  But it hurts and it still makes me sick.

I want to be part of the group again, not an outsider looking in.  I guess I did that myself by taking a hiatus, you lose your standing as a valuable anything if you take time to take care of yourself.  You lose your standing too when you've got jackals at your back sharing only the choicest bits of what you've said, the bits out of context that will make you look like a horrid person.  They leave out the things they've said or done.  They leave out the bits that would prove them untrustworthy.  But no, let's not ask questions, it's so much easier to swallow everything they say, hook, line, and sinker.

It hurts but what can you do?  People will believe what they choose to believe.  It's much easier than thinking for yourself.

I am sick, I want closure, I want people to fess up, to be honest.  I want people to think for themselves and wonder if maybe they should ask me to see what I have to say.  I guess that's asking too much.

Veritas et Aequitas.  It's in my skin, it's what I believe in, and it's what I deserve.

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