Saturday, March 01, 2003

Formal service

Last night was my first experience with doing formal service at a D/s dinner party. i had to learn to serve on his right and clear from his left. i was supposed to say something whenever i brought him food but i just couldn't. i'm so uncomfortable speaking when others are watching me.
So what is a D/s dinner party anyway? You may ask. Well, last night's dinner went like this, everyone dressed in their very best. The Dominants sat at the table and were served by the submissives. We brought them food and drink and knelt silently on the floor next to them while they ate. The other two subs present were able to go eat in the kitchen. Alan fed me from his plate and gave me drinks from his glass. It was a six course meal and during the soup course i was able to go to the kitchen to have a bowl of soup. i was again able to go to the kitchen to have dessert. Both items which would have been difficult to fed to me.
It was difficult to not speak until spoken to but i managed. The Dominants did speak to us a bit and included us submissives in the conversations with eye contact.
Today my legs and back are sore from so much kneeling and standing but it's a good sore. It was a pleasure to serve and wasn't too different from the way i serve at home.
i think Alan loved the formal service. i can't wait until we have a house with space to give our own formal dinner parties. i want to include Mark too, i think He'd enjoy it.
Next week we leave for Omaha and the BDSM event there. It will be Alan's and my first event like this, i'm excited and nervous at the same time. i never have been comfortable in new situations but i'm not going to let that fear keep me from new experiences or from living my life as i choose to live it.