Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bursting With It...

I am, bursting with it, really. What is it? Pride. I'm bursting with pride. Our oldest daughter has officially graduated and earned her high school diploma. She didn't do it the traditional way but still she did it. Last night was her graduation ceremony and I sat there clapping loudly for her as she walked across the stage and accepted her diploma. When they had the graduates stand and face the audience and said "I now present you with the 2007 graduates" the clapping and cheering was deafening. My eyes were filled with tears as she smiled happily up at us.

She did it, we didn't have anything to do with it, this was all her. She's a spectacular girl.

There were a few poignant moments during the ceremony. The most moving was when a student who passed away just a month after earning his diploma was honored. They awarded his diploma, posthumously, to his mother. It was touching and heartwrenching all in one. I thought it was wonderful that they honored him in that way but I was sad for her loss. I'm still a little misty today just thinking about it.

It was funny, the guest speaker used a children's book as the focus of her speech. She used the sequel to The Little Engine That Could, I Knew You Could. The story talks about hills and valleys and how hard things may be but how good they can be too. It was ironic, she said something Master always says, without the bad we wouldn't know what good was. I hope LMR (Little Miss Raincloud, who isn't so rainy anymore) took some of that speech to heart, I know I did.

So here I am this morning, proud mother of a high school graduate. There were times I thought it was never going to happen. There were even times I thought I didn't care anymore because I was so frustrated with her. She's like water our LMR, she carves her own way where it looks like there is none instead of taking the well-travelled path.


lunaKM said...

Yay! Congrats to you and your girl!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to LMR!!! Well done!!

Anonymous said...


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Joy said...

Thanks ladies.

We saw LMR last night and it struck me that she's genuinely happy. She enjoys spending time with us now, and we with her. It may not be the traditional approach but it works. :-)

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on a job well done !


Sue said...

I'm late, but as a mom who has her own LMR, I can really, really understand your joy. May she find her way with strength and grace and may you all have many more days to celebrate together.

hugs, swan

lunaKM said...


I was wondering if you'd be willing to do me a favor.

I'm asking everyone who has my blog linked on their blog to help me get the word out about my Blogathon for Charity efforts. All I'm asking is a post or two written about it, or crossposting my original Blogathon post a couple of times before the day of the event on July 28th. It doesn't have to be long, just a "Hey check out what luna's doing for charity!" is okay.

I would be honored if you would consider pledging as well, if you have the change to spare. You can read about my upcoming 24 hour blogging for charity on this post:

I also have a few pages on my blog talking about my chosen charity and how to sponsor me.

Thank you so much in advance!
