Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dusting Things Off a Bit

I know, I know, I know, I haven't been here. I feel like I haven't been much of anywhere these days.

I've been working and sleeping and working on sleeping and working on our local kink group and working on changing things in my life.

The catalyst for my blogging today is the loss of a friend. I found out today that she committed suicide a couple of days ago. Just a few days ago she was alive, today she isn't. I want to believe in the ideal of "that which is remembered, lives" but right now it's difficult while grappling with my feelings of loss.

I wonder what was so horrible that made life unbearable for her. I wonder if there was something I could have done to ease her suffering if only she'd reached out to me, if only I'd reached out to her. Maybe I do too much of letting people spool out on their own and coming to me when they're ready. I don't know. I can't be responsible for every single person in my life, to try would be insane. But maybe I should do more checking up on my friends to at least let them know I'm still here and that someone cares about them.

I know she had a lot of emotional pain in her life but I never realized it was so much. It's both hard and easy for me to understand why she decided to end her life. I've been there at rock bottom and knowing for certain that the light at the end of the tunnel is just another train coming to run me over again. I've wanted to die, to cease to exist, or to crawl into a hole and let the World pass me by. But I've never acted on those feelings, I just couldn't, something in me won't give up. I wish I could share some of my internal fight with others who don't have as much.

I just hope she's found peace at last. I hope her suffering is over and that she's content and has enough of everything.

I'm going to miss her and it's hard knowing that I'll never see her smiling face again and that I'll never hear her infectious laughter. She and I went through a lot of firsts together, and kept each other company as we were both wall-flowers to some degree. I'll cherish those memories.

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