Sunday, March 15, 2009


DISCLAIMER: This is not the whole of my relationship with Sir this is a bad patch that I need to write out so I can work through it. I know there are a few out there who love me reading this who will take this as another negative check against Sir. I ask those people to remember that they're not perfect either and though they may not have hurt me the way I'm hurting right now, we all have our faults. I'm not making excuses for him or what he's done, if you saw the lashing out I've done at him you'd know he's not getting any slack from me, whatsoever. However, I love him and I have to decide if what he's done is bad enough to warrant throwing away ten pretty good years together.

I'm feeling a bit hollow inside. I decided Friday night that I may need to return Sir's collar to him. I don't know if I can continue to wear his collar given what he has done. I'm hurt deeply but I'm not really surprised by any of it, nor should I be.

I found out earlier this week that Sir has been seeing another submissive for the last 2-3 years, for about as long as I've been working full-time. I only JUST found out who she is and how long their association has been. I knew he played with others off and on but I didn't know he had a regular friend/playmate. I also found out he's broken his promise to me to use safer sex with other partners so he and I can play bareback. I'm not sure which betrayal hurts more. Maybe the condoms because he made a direct promise to me. I've never cared too much about him having other playmates, that's part of his make-up and I knew that going into this. What rankles is the lying and hiding. For instance, he told me he hasn't seen her since September, she says December. He's also told me that he would never collar another submissive and now the story has changed to "I'll never have two collared submissives at once."

She's another kettle of fish altogether, she came to my group's munch knowing all about me and who I am and let me introduce myself to her but didn't say a word to me about who she is. It feels a bit like sneaking about to "check out the competition" to me. Whatever, it's over and done with.

How did this all start? Simply enough really, Sir told me that she'd told him that she met one of the Tribe at a party and asked that member about Sir and me. She told Sir that the person she spoke with told her that Sir and I played without permission and that s/he didn't like Sir because of that. Sir was upset that his private life was being discussed, his confidentiality had been broken. I became upset for similar reasons. I confronted said person and was given a different take... Nothing of the sort was said, s/he didn't know that Sir was playing without permission and that this playmate was insinuating or stating that she was Sir's collared submissive. I confronted her after finding some contact information for her. I was livid that she'd lie to Sir and that she'd lie about my friends. After the confrontation she went to the friend in question and now I'm told it was a misunderstanding. Fine, whatever. That's no longer the issue at hand.

Trust is a HUGE issue for me, anyone close to me knows this, most people get one chance and if they break my trust they are dead to me. I spent too many years with betrayal as a regular occurrence in my life by the one person whom I should have been able to count on no matter what. I have zero tolerance for betrayal. Yet, when it comes to people I love I'm more lenient, I give them second and third chances. If I didn't I would have missed out on the spectacular person Master is today, I would have lost the greatest love of my life. I'm also very wolf-like when I mate, I do it for life. Or at least I prefer to. I want to keep the people I love.

If it wasn't for the betrayal, the lies, and the hiding Sir would be perfect. He's loving, caring, sensitive, dominant, a generous lover, a good listener, slow to anger, easy going, and fun-loving. I know he genuinely loves me but (there's always a but isn't there?) he can't seem to be fully honest with me and he can't seem to keep certain promises. I NEED him to be able to live with and accept the limits I need in our relationship in order to be able to trust him, to be able to submit to him. I have lots of doubts as to whether or not he can, as does Master. Poor Master is in a tough position, he loves me and wants to protect me from hurt yet he wants to give me the respect and freedom to make my own decisions, and he genuinely likes Sir.

Sir has been a huge positive influence in my life and in Master's life through me. But, he's also given me some of the deepest hurts too due to lying and hiding relationships with other women. Will he never understand that I can accept that he has other partners as long as he's open and honest with me about them?? As long as he can be truthful and practice safer sex I'm OK with his play partners so long as they're not predatory. But that's the question, can he do it? Does he want to? Do I matter enough in his life? I have no answers and he's on vacation for two weeks.

My anger is gone, I'm left with the hurt, and this deep hollow spot that follows betrayal. I try to chin up and carry on and mostly I'm doing okay. I got drunk Friday night, intent on revenge-submission (childish and DUMB I know). I got drunk, flirted shamelessly, and had a very hot mini-make-out play scene with two very wonderful folks (THANK YOU!). And I teased a good friend with her nicely bound breasts that just begged for attention. I wonder if she enjoyed my tongue piercing? *soft smiles* All of that just drained my anger... I let loose and truly relaxed for the first time in... I really don't know if I've ever relaxed my self-control that much. I was angry and on a mission, that's the only reasoning I can think of for how relaxed my self-control was. Okay, the bottle of Captain Morgan's might have helped just a wee bit.

Anyway... I don't know what I'm doing or what I'm going to do. I'm hurting but I'm not surprised, I knew he was unfaithful when I met him, so I couldn't exactly expect him to keep the faith with me. Yet some stupid part of me hoped he would. I love him, I don't want to lose him in my life but I can't keep letting him hurt me this way. If he loved me as much as he says he does he'd change his ways and respect my limits. And there's the core of it all, does he love me as much as he says he does?


Elle said...

Wish I had some words of wisdom which would help. I'm so sorry this has happened and you're having to face this hard dilemma. xoxoxo

A said...

you said: If he loved me as much as he says he does he'd change his ways and respect my limits

That's not true at all. He can love you and still trample all over you.

I love men and I trust the men in my life but they almost never change their ways. Unless *they* want to.

Good luck to you.

Joy said...

I understand your meaning Amber but I don't see that as whole-hearted love. Which is what I thought I had and is what I'm strongly questioning now.

L, love, you know me I can't take the easy path. *wry grins* Seriously though, I can't be surprised and should probably temper some of my hurt with that knowledge.

A said...

Joy, oh no, I don't think it is wholehearted love, either.

I think it sucks. I would cut him off if he had done that to me.

What I meant was this; you said:

If it wasn't for the betrayal, the lies, and the hiding Sir would be perfect.

??? "If it wasn't for betrayal, lies and hiding, he'd be perfect?"

Back to what I said before, yes, I love men too, men are great but they rarely change.

In other words, if they are liars, they stay liars unless they themselves decide to change. If he betrayed you before, he's almost certainly going to do it again.

That's horrendous; I never meant it was okay for him to do that.

You keep saying you have expectations of him that are not being met and based upon his history, it's unlikely you are ever going to get them met. Not from him.

I don't have men in my life who life, betray and hide. Not one. When I have run across such men, I go out of my way to keep them away from me.

Those kind of men hurt and not in the *good* way. :)

Joy said...

You make excellent points Amber. Trust me, I'm giving this a lot of thought. I don't think he is able to meet my expectations, which are admittedly few. He and I need to talk that's for certain. Whatever is decided it's going to be *my* needs, happiness, and safety that are going to be at the fore. I deserve to have honesty and respect in the form of kept promises.

M'Lady asked me a question, which I'm still mulling "What is it you're not learning here?"

Elle said...

*nod* I know. You and Sir have had a lot of ups and downs and I can completely understand why you are reluctant to call it quits. Still, this cannot be ignored, nor can the relationship go on with a simple "I'm sorry and won't do it again."