Thursday, July 18, 2002

Moods and my mouth

i don't know what it is but when i get into a mood i can't behave. i say some really mean things and have a really bad attitude.
i can feel it coming and just can't seem to control my mouth when it hits. This gets me into a lot of trouble and rightly so as i act very disrespectful at these times. Yesterday on the phone with Alan one of those moods hit me full force. i started bitching at him because he went to a friend's house after work instead of coming home right after. He stopped me cold with a warning. i couldn't apologize though, i was still in the middle of the mood so i told him "maybe it'd be better if i just hush now." that was my way of saying that i couldn't say anything nice so i'd better not say anything at all. He understood and let me off the phone but didn't let me off the hook. When he came home he called me into the bedroom. Once there he told me he felt like he needed to correct me, give me an attitude adjustment. He pointed out that my mood may have left but his displeasure with me hadn't. He had me undress and then spanked me with his leather belt. It hurt, it was the first time i'd been hit with a leather belt as an adult. He cuddled me then after lecturing me about my behavior. i ended up crying and apologizing but felt better afterwards.
Still, i don't know how to control these moods or at the very least, control my mouth when i'm in these moods. This is when i brat the most. i've done it to Mark too and it's just not right that i do it to either of them. It's something i'd really like to work on and change.