Friday, June 08, 2007


Today I am ever mindful of my status. As I stepped off the elevator I touched the base of my throat and thought to myself "My Master is with me."

Yesterday Master gifted me with a daily collar that he made for me out of hematite & silver metal beads. It is beautiful, to say the least. The light weight of it is a constant reminder of its presence, and his. I have to agree with Master (even if it is a bit vain of me) it looks lovely around my neck. It feels good there, a solid yet gentle weight, putting me in mind of his hand as he holds onto the back of my neck while sitting together somewhere or even while walking through a store.

Hematite is special to him. He had a necklace, a claw holding a ball of hematite just a bit smaller than a marble. He wore that necklace for many, many years. When he was deep in thought he'd fondle the hematite stone, rolling it between his fingers. He felt naked and panicked if he forgot to put it on, thinking he'd lost it. We're both believers in energy and objects collecting energy. A bit of his energy is stored in that necklace and it now rests with his youngest brother. He placed it with him during the family's private viewing, next to his heart for safekeeping. So, he chose Hematite for his slave's collar making it himself and imbuing it with some of his energy.

He presented it to me yesterday when I got home from work and after he sized it, he finished it and placed it around my neck. It comes off only at bedtime and goes right back on after I've showered for the day.

I feel him with me through the collar and I am comforted by it. I feel very honored that he chose a stone for this collar that is so significant to him. Looking into his eyes yesterday it seemed that the collar is very meaningful to him too. He would look at me while stroking my neck and the collar, his eyes brimming with love and affection, smiling and not saying a word.

Making a daily collar for me had a bonus side effect too, Master has found that he enjoys jewelry making. He's planning a matching bracelet to my collar and will be making a bracelet for HRS, at her request. I'm happy that he's found a creative outlet that he enjoys so much. We now have one more commonality, which can't help but make me happy.


Anonymous said...

Ok now i want pix of the new daily collar *smiles*

Sue said...

Congratulations on the new collar. I understand the feeling of having some way of staying connected in this way. I'm glad for you.


Joy said...

Mija, I'll work on pics of the collar and matching bracelet(s), I'm hoping to convince him a pair of bracelets would be nicer. ;-)

Thank you for the congrats swan. I think the best part of it, aside from feeling connected to him, is the way he'll stroke my neck and the collar and look at me with a dreamy smile. *shivers* That's good stuff right there.