Thursday, April 08, 2010

How Are You?

Why do strangers ask "How are you?" when you know they really don't care?  And why do they get to put me into a posistion of having to lie?  It's socially unacceptable to tell the truth.  "I'm feeling like crap today, my legs ache, my feet hurt, my back hurts, and I'm feeling depressed so I might binge on junk food later."
I sometimes play with the idea of telling the truth, maybe it would make that person think twice about asking after my well-being, or anyone else's, again.
Yes, I'm mean.  I think it's stupid to make small talk and idle pleasantries when you don't really give a rodent's rectum about how the other person is.
I don't waste time asking after the well-being of people I don't know and I  still manage to be pleasant, sociable, and polite.
Miss Manners would have apoplexy if she met me.  Poor dear.

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