Monday, June 13, 2011


One of the biggest complaints 'S' has had about me is that I want 'more', he thinks I will never be content with what I have.In at least one way he may be right. I want more partners. I want a kinky poly family, a Tribe. Intentional family is a great concept to me.I am built, it seems, to have multiple loves. Some would choose to label me a cheater, no matter the relational dynamics. Those types need to get lives of their own.Very recently, I'm finding myself longing for another partner. I want a submissive or bottom who finds themselves wanting to submit, or bottom, to me.There are so many variables involved in adding another personality to an existing (and complicated) triad.I can see several impediments, s/he isn't interested in this type of relational dynamic, s/he has no interest of that sort in me, but instead prefers The Boss, The Boss has no desire to further complicate our already comlicated lives, maybe there is no one out there who is
able to see me as more than a slave applicant or submissive personality.I haven't yet addressed this issue with The Boss, I'm imagining it will be on the agenda for our Thursday night talk after he reads this.Maybe it is just plain old too soon to add another element into our relationship and I am pushing or wanting to move too fast. I'll be the first to admit that I have little patience when I really want something or someone.
Intellectually, I know slow and steady wins the race. Emotionally, I want it now. I guess I'm lucky I have The Boss, and even 'S', to either help me find the brakes, or put the brakes on for me.

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