Friday, July 23, 2004


You know, all my worrying and stressing was for naught. The submissive's forum went off without a hitch last night with its first ever meeting. I led comfortably and easily despite my nerves and worries to the contrary.

I am very happy that I decided to take up this challenge. I am meeting and serving a need within our local community, as was evidenced last night by all the submissives who attended. There was much lively discussion, much more than when Dominants are present. They do tend to dominate the conversations. *chuckles*

It was really neat to hear the thoughts of my fellow submissives and to see that we really do have a commonality. Though we are individuals many of our issues are similar. I could see the first glimmerings of a support network forming last night. I think our little forum will become a valuable resource to the group as a whole.

On a personal note, one of the ladies in attendance told me that something I'd written and posted to our group's discussion list had helped her come to terms with an aspect of herself. I was floored by this statement. I feel a little bit of pride in knowing that I was able to help someone else by sharing something of myself. But mostly, I'm just surprised by it, happily surprised.

All in all this has been a very positive experience.