Friday, July 02, 2004

Epic love

Love that transcends time and distance, love that grows stronger with the passage of time instead of withering and dying. It's the kind of love that the authors write about and little girls dream of.

I think this is the type of love many people dream of having. I'd like to say I dreamed of having an epic love but I didn't. How can one even dream of an epic love when one believes oneself to be unlovable?

I've since grown up and have learned that I really am lovable and somehow I ended up with a powerful, if not epic, love despite my early efforts to chase it away. When we're being flippant Alan and I attribute our sticking it out to each of us being stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat. In honesty it is due in part to that, but also, we're both the mate-for-life type. We choose a mate and come hell or high water, we're going to stay with that mate.

Through all of the fighting and growing pains we've managed to build a solid foundation despite a shaky start. What started out as affection and infatuation has grown into a deep bond, we are like one soul inhabiting two bodies. When he is gone I feel as if part of myself is missing. He has said much the same about my absences.

This closeness we share has made being apart this week a painful and lonely experience to be endured rather than the rare opportunity for alone time that it could be. Although, I have to confess, I did enjoy being able to watch the television programs that I don't normally get to watch because he prefers other types of programs.

Master came home last night and it was wonderful to see him again. I spent most of the evening just looking at him and re-memorizing his features. I would have spent time nuzzling him and taking in his scent if I could smell. Blast this stupid head cold anyhow.

This week apart has given me pause for thought and has reminded me to appreciate each day that I get to share with him. Each day is a gift.