Monday, June 28, 2004

Day one of the long week

Master is on his way to Detroit today and will be there until Friday night. I was fine until I came down the stairs this morning and the realization that I'm alone hit me. I sniffled and cried a bit then I wandered into the kitchen to take care of his new lizard. I got caught up in taking care of his pet for him while he's away. Master's lizard isn't much older than a hatchling; she hitched a ride on a plant that came from Wal-Mart to his sister's house. We're trying to find something she can eat and now it's my job to be sure she does eat something so she will thrive and grow. I'm going to enjoy being surrogate Mamma to his lizard.

I was still a little tender during class but began to feel even better on the way out after class as I chatted up a classmate that I've not said more than 10 words to. It felt good to reach out and connect with another human being. Sometimes I forget to do that. Usually I stay within my comfort zones and only connect with the people I already know.

Being the good Daddy that Master is, he left me something to focus on while he's away. I've been ordered to the torture chamber…er… I mean the gym. I have to spend at least 20 minutes a day working out... today was 16 on the treadmill and 4 on the elliptical trainer aka the machine from Hades. I did a lot of self-talk to even motivate myself enough to go to the fitness room. It would have been SO easy to sit down and watch TV when I got home from class. I kept telling myself, "When you get home you're going to go upstairs, change your clothes and head to the fitness room." The self-talk worked, I did just what I was supposed to and got an excellent workout. While I feel a bit tired and my muscles are still a little spaghetti-like, I feel good; this, despite some sinus congestion. Go me!

When I got home I had a cosmic message that I should do my homework. The cable and internet were out. I took advantage of the time and did the work. I feel accomplished.

All in all, not a bad first day alone and it's only half over! Still, I can't wait for Master to get back, I miss him.