Thursday, June 17, 2004


I am embarking on something entirely new for me; something that will force me out and into a leadership position. I am starting a submissive's forum within our local leather community. I have the full blessing of my fellow board members which helps buoy my confidence. Yet, I'm scared silly. I'm going to have to lead these people, some of them my friends, and I'm going to have to stand my ground against those with more dominant personalities than mine.

That is no easy task.

I instinctively try to blend into my surroundings and naturally defer to more dominant personalities. Both my Master and our friend Master J think this will be a good thing for me. I think they're nuts.

I'm excited about this opportunity to provide a forum for submissives to talk and explore things in a non-threatening atmosphere. I want to help educate others in this lifestyle I love so much.

Still, it's scary to be the front man in this venture. I'm great with ideas, planning, and organizing... leading is not my area of expertise yet my Lady assures me I am a leader. Pardon me for not believing that yet. *smiles*

I have a little over a month to prepare for our first meeting. Too soon!

Everyone assures me that I'll do great, to that I say, I'm not sure about that but I'll do my best.

If I had to write a mission statement it would go something like this:

Our goal is to educate and provide support to submissives in the leather community.

That sounds about right to me. I hope this group becomes a helpful resource to the submissives in our community.