Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

Well, it's been interesting around here. Yesterday morning I woke up with terrible lower abdominal pain and a low grade fever. After about an hour and a half of waiting to see if I was going to feel better, I called Master who ordered me to get LMR out of bed and have her drive me to the urgent care clinic ASAP.

I was thinking it was something to do with the ablation, he was thinking appendix. So, we got to the clinic, waited a half hour to get in to be seen (not bad really for walk-in), then spent an hour in the room waiting for the doc to decide what was wrong. After she found that my white count was high she sent me to the ER to see a surgeon and possibly have a CT scan to get a look at my insides. We got to the ER at about 11 a.m. and saw the surgical resident who seemed sure that it was my appendix. We, LMR and I, sat there for a good long while waiting for the attending surgeon to arrive and examine me. Despite being unable to pinpoint an exact location for my belly pain the attending surgeon decided it was definitely my appendix and said they'd work me in for an emergency appendectomy.

Master arrived at around 1 something in the afternoon, he and LMR ran home so she could be here to do her thing and so he could get cleaned up and come back to be with me.

Finally, around 6 p.m. they got me in for surgery. Master says the surgeon told him my appendix was "hot" and further explained that it was inflamed and definitely *had* to come out. Luckily it hadn't burst and I'm glad I did go to the doctor as quickly as I did.

When they wheeled me out of recovery Master and m'Lady were there waiting for me and sat with me once the nurses got me settled. It was nice to have them there with me, comforting.

I spent a very miserable night in the hospital. It was a laparoscopic procedure but still hurts like mad. But, I was a game and managed to sit up on the side of my bed for a few minutes and even stand, then a few hours later, got up and went for a mini-walk. Today I'm feeling better, though still sore and moving very slow. I'm at home now and very happy to be so. Never, ever go to a hospital if you want to sleep. *wry grins*

It was a scary experience and the seriousness of it didn't really hit me until after I called HRS to talk with her before they took me to surgery. I wanted to talk to her so that I could tell her I loved her, just in case. I'd already spoken to LMR and ZBoy and told them I loved them. I didn't want something to go wrong and have my last conversation with HRS to have been my shooing her out the door for school.

I've never really had "emergency" surgery. I don't like being sick like that, for the record I don't want to have another surgery for a long, long, long, loooooong time. Experiences like this that really put life into perspective. I'm very thankful to be alive and on the mend and thankful I have such a wonderful Master who is taking such good care of me. He's been very good to me, making sure I don't over do things and insisting that I rest.

So, I'm working on healing, again and am hoping beyond hope that this is the last surgery I have, at least for this year. A surgery a month is WAY too much if you ask me.

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