Sunday, June 04, 2006


Summer term started this week and wow, busy, busy, busy is the word of the day, of the week, of the next two months. I thought I'd have it easy with the online class. I thought wrong. Loads of reading, mandatory discussion board participation, reports to write, and PowerPoint presentations to create. I'll be SO happy when this term is over. I barely have time to check my regular e-mail right now, forget e-mail lists, blogging is going to be down to once a week, if that. I do need to start scheduling time for exercise, I think it'll help with the energy issue that I seem to be running into; I don't have much of it.

As busy as I was I discovered something this week. I dislike pubic hair on myself, I almost feel ugly when I haven't done my usual shaving. I made time to groom myself on Friday and since then I've felt sexier. I find it kind of ironic because just a few years ago I hated shaving my pubic hair, I itched, it was uncomfortable, felt so self-conscious about it, I thought it looked awful. Master's insistence on my being bare has given me one less thing to hide behind. It seems like every time I turn around something that I once hid behind has been taken from me and it's not the negative thing I might have once felt it to be.

So there's my bit of introspection.. it isn't earth shattering or anything like that but it is important nonetheless. I'll never be a finished product, I don't think any of us will be, but I'm looking forward to see what I am the next time I stop and look back at what I was.

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