Thursday, August 24, 2006

Goings On

It's been busy around here lately. School started today for the youngest girl and school starts next week for me and the oldest girl. Our computer decided to have a nervous breakdown (we think the motherboard is fried) and we're using the old computer that had been given to the kids to use.

I feel sort of lonely today, I'm not accustomed to being alone, I got so used to having HRS here and doing things with her. Now I'm back to seeing her for maybe an hour a day, if that, during the week. Ahh well, enough of the pity party.

School starts next week for me and I'm nervous about it. I'm taking accounting 101 and math is SO not my subject. I want to do well but I worry that I won't. Maybe I'd feel better about it if I knew I'd have time to actually study.

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