Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bad Dog No Biscuit

I've been behaving badly and I feel like I deserve to be punished. I need to be held accountable for my behavior.

The Boss teases me about it but I do have a bit of road rage, he's listened to me rant about other drivers over the phone on my drive home. I'd never really given it any thought until today but jeez, I'm ashamed of myself. Why would anyone want to listen to me rant about other drivers? The answer is simple, they wouldn't. I need to settle down and just let it go, I can't control other drivers and ranting about them just makes me look and sound like trash. The Boss doesn't own trash and I'm insulting him by acting that way.

I overreacted yesterday on the phone with the Boss. His employer mistreats him and it upsets me to see him mistreated, I want so badly to fix it for him. I get frustrated and I end up venting at him instead of to him. The same thing happens when I get frustrated about having to wait to get any sort of relief for my back. I vent at him over things he has no control over himself. It's as if I expect him to be able to fix it and I get upset when he can't.

I don't think my feelings are necessarily wrong it's just that the way I express them is in appropriate. Venting, or yelling, at one's owner is childish and very unbecoming.

I've written him an apology for my behavior and I hope we'll have a chance to talk about it this evening. I just wish there was some tangible way I could make amends to him. He deserves a lot better from me than what I've given lately.

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