Thursday, March 08, 2007

Feeling Owned

Induced Lactation.... that's the technical term for causing a woman who hasn't just had a baby to lactate. The Boss has done this with me to a small degree and we're in talks about increasing my milk production to a greater degree. As of right now I produce about a quarter of a teaspoon or so from both breasts when I'm aroused or the Boss has just given them his attentions.

This all started several years ago, I noticed that when squeezed, my right nipple would express a small amount of fluid. I had it checked and my gyn said it was nothing to worry about, it's "normal". Then my left breast got in on the act. It became a novelty. I'm not a squirter when I orgasm so it was kind of neat to be able to express some sort of fluid from my body, don't ask why, I'm weird I guess. The Boss didn't seem to mind the fluid so that helped me to become more comfortable with it.

Over the past year or so I've gotten a lot more comfortable with life in general and I've relaxed a lot of my personal boundaries. I've always had issues with touching and being touched by others, especially in a sexual context. Kissing, especially, was hard for me to accept. I'd allow a few kisses and then break it off, deep mouth kissing was SO hard to cope with, I'd get uncomfortable and start feeling almost squicked by it. This was closely followed by having my breasts sucked on. I'd let the Boss do it occasionally but most of the time I'd sort of shy away from it. Bad slave, I know.

I've gotten over a lot of that, it seems like I've had an almost complete reversal. I love having the Boss suck on my nipples, they're like a direct line to my clit and having them sucked is a major turn-on, moreso than any other act. Through his regular sucking on my nipples, I've begun to produce actual milk in very small quantities. I love the fact that he has been able to create this change in my body. Going by his reaction to suckling and the resulting milk production, I'd say that he is extremely happy about this too.

His plan, to increase my milk production, includes buying an electrical breast pump that I'd have to use every day. It will be some time before we can buy a pump but just knowing that he really plans to do it is enough to sustain me. It seems that the M/s drought is lifting and the Boss is taking the reins again.

I can't really put into words how content I feel at having him exercise his control over me in this way. I guess one could say I'm kinked to think of body modification as a form of ownership. In other words, I feel most owned when the Boss chooses to mark me physically in some way. Inducing lactation and increasing my milk production is a major body modification in my eyes. It is something tangible that I can touch, or feel, and be reminded of my status as property that can be altered at Master's will.

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