Monday, September 24, 2007

True Dreams

I woke up from a horrible nightmare yesterday morning. It felt so real that until I was well and truly awake it felt like it was true. I'd been dreaming about going out for ice cream with my youngest, my sister and her kids. I was having an especially nice time with my youngest nephew in particular, we had a great chat and lots of giggles. I return to my mother's house to find her sitting in the living room bawling. Immediately I know something is terribly wrong. I'm finally able to get out of her that my youngest nephew was killed in a car accident shortly after our visit together. He'd been riding in a car and talking about the fun he'd had and that it was the best day ever and that the only thing that would make it better would be taking a walk. The drivers (unknown) had to pull over on the side of the road for some reason. A vehicle veered off the road and hit the car on the side my nephew was sitting on, killing him instantly.

The dream felt so real that I was almost afraid to call my sister, I didn't want to find out I'd dreamed true. I've had true dreams before, none so prophetic or catastrophic. Mostly just dreaming of places I've never been to then visiting them and feeling a very strong sense of deja vu, or a conversation or event that hadn't happened and feeling that same sense of deja vu when it does take place. So yes, I'll admit I was spooked for a while. I'm still feeling a bit skittish and off-kilter today. I haven't seen this nephew in a long time and it could be that the dream is indicating a loss of contact with him. It could even be a wake-up call that I need to make an effort to see him.

Either way, I hate dreams like this.

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