Thursday, May 08, 2008

Growth Spurt?

I feel like I've hit some sort of "growth spurt" in my enslavement.  For the last week or so I've been cooking all the meals, doing all the dishes, and making sure Master's and my lunches are ready for the next day.  I have the most profound feeling of peace from these simple tasks.  Yes I'm tired after work, yes I hurt, but these things don't seem to exist when I'm performing these tasks.  I'm happy to do this and more just to be of service to my Master.  I find myself wanting to give more of myself to him, I want to give him anything he desires just to see him happy.
I think I've also finally found my way back to submitting to Sir.  He gave me a simple task to do yesterday and I nearly squealed because I was so giddy over being able to do something for him again.  Sir and I have seen a lot of each other over the past month and it's been making me very happy because not only are we having one on one time, we're having triad time too so I'm getting to spend time with both Sir and Alan (not always a good thing because they're wicked-evil together).  I've missed the after sex "puppy piles" we have where we're just lying around nude chatting, goofing off, and cuddling.  No the men don't cuddle together but they cuddle around me, which leaves me feeling safe, warm, and loved.
I have had some trouble with obedience in a couple of areas.  It isn't deliberate or intentional but it is something I know I can and should control.  I've been getting junk food during the work day even after promising Master that I wouldn't.  I feel bad about it and I do feel like I deserve to be punished for it.  I'm also slipping and saying the "a" word *whispers: you know 'ain't*.  I've got to be more dilligent with that, I owe it to my Master to do so, and to be obedient.

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