Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Years and Starting the Plan

Well our New Year's celebration was pretty good. We spent the night with our Tribe and there was much laughter and merriment to be had. The only downside was Master finding a sheet of glass with his arm and getting a small cut. (long story) I got slightly irritated with him because he wasn't in a frame of mind to deal with the situation so I switched into "mom-mode" and got pretty grumpy about it. I felt out of sorts because he wasn't taking charge and I felt like I had to. There was no way I could leave a little pile of broken glass overnight and so near to where he was sleeping. Numerous visions of disaster flew through my mind at warp speed, any amorous mood I'd been feeling was swept away by the need to take care of the situation since no one else was able to. I don't know if he fully understands why I reacted the way I did.

Yesterday marked the beginning of my health improvement efforts and it started off pretty good. My weigh-in wasn't as disappointing as I'd expected it to be. I've only gained back six pounds of the 15 I'd lost last year. (six is FAR better than 15 and then some as I'd imagined)

I did my first round of Pilates for 20 minutes yesterday and am proud that I made it through. I SO didn't want to exercise yesterday. It wasn't too bad though my back did ache a little when I was finished and later last night the bottoms of my feet hurt (a sign that my sciatic nerves were pinched a little) but all in all I didn't feel too bad. Today however, is a different story. My muscle's muscles ache. My arms, which didn't really do much of anything yesterday, hurt, my sides hurt, my back, my legs and most especially my abdomen. Pilates is really effective for targeting every muscle in your body. I'm going to do another round tomorrow achy muscles and all. This should earn me frequent flyer miles or something on my masochist's card don'tcha think? *grinning*

I hope that by the end of this month my body becomes accustomed to the exercise and begins to grow stronger. Okay, so I'm hoping my muscles will tone up and I'll look better too but mostly I want to be stronger, I want more stamina.

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