Monday, February 13, 2006

Simple Pleasures

Snuggling with Master at night just before we fall asleep.
Clean sink drains.
Sharing laughter with Master.
Sharing good food with friends and family.
Reading a good book.
Watching a good movie.
Sunny days.
Looking forward to going swimming in the summer.

Master sometimes teases me about being a simple person but really, I'd rather be simple. I can take pleasure in the smallest things, it doesn't take something huge to make me happy and that, to me, is wonderful stuff.

I see all these "rich" people in debt up to their eyeballs and they seem so miserable. They've got things out the wazoo but, that's all they have and I think that's a little bit sad. I'd rather be struggling financially but able to take pleasure in the feel of the sunshine on my skin than be "rich" with a big house and fancy car that I really can't afford and not being able to enjoy the simple pleasures because I'm too consumed with acquiring more things and struggling to pay for all of them. *shrug*

Yeah, I have health issues, so what? I have life and I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest.

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