Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I can't say it enough, the support I've received from you all has really meant the world to me. I'm doing better with this and I've stopped looking for the loopholes, although if one appeared I wouldn't be averse to taking it. *grins*

I've been frequenting a web site set up as a support for women who have had or are going to have endometrial ablation, there are women there who've had hysterectomies too and it's been a boon of information and anecdotal experience for me. Endometrial Discussion Group

The doctors can give pure facts and their success rates but what really helps me is the anecdotal experience of other women. Doctors will say it's supposed to happen like X but as we all know, Murphy's Law prevails, plus every body is different and will react differently to a given procedure.

Master and I still aren't on the same page as far as the way we approach this situation. He thinks I'm focusing on the negative, he might be right in part. I tried to explain to him last night that I'm being realistic. This surgery, more than any, is a crap shoot. It *could* be a miracle fix or it *could* be just the beginning of a series of things we do to try to fix this thing. I just don't want to go into this believing it's going to be a miracle fix and end up disappointed and feeling like I somehow failed. I don't want him to have that mindset either, though I don't believe he'd blame me for the failure of the procedure. Still, I think he'd be as disappointed as I would be if it didn't work the way we expected it to.

The brochure and Novasure website (Novasure is the type of procedure I'm going to have in addition to a D&C with polyp removal) speak of the procedure in glowing terms and make it sound like the procedure will be quick, painless, and will get rid of periods forever. If I'd stopped research with that I'd have, in my opinion, a very unrealistic expectation of this procedure.

So, from this point on I'm going to try to be more positive while still being realistic. The polyp removal will help and the ablation should, at the very least, lighten my periods which I'm hopeful for. I'm not sure how life will be post procedure so I don't know what to envision. I've lived with menorrhagia for around 12 years now, I won't know how to act if I don't have to rush to the bathroom every half hour or so during the first few days of my period.

I think it would be accurate to say that today I'm cautiously optimistic.

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