Monday, July 24, 2006

All is Right With the World

I treated myself to a three-day-weekend this past weekend. I decided near the middle of the week last week that I just needed some time off and three days in a row sounded just about right. I'm sure I'll crash a bit tomorrow, sort of a post-vacation let down, when I go back to work but it was worth it.

It all started Friday with a short e-mail to Master. "I want to bleed, I want to bleed you, I want to share blood." We haven't done it in such a long time and right at the moment I wrote that e-mail I was craving it. I know, it's squicky to a lot of people but to me it's the deepest, most intense experience I can share with him. The first time we did it I felt as if we'd formed a deeper bond together, it almost felt, mystical, spiritual.

When he came home from work I told him he had some e-mails he should probably read. Sneaky me? Yeah. He read my e-mail and then went upstairs to shower. One minute I was lying on my belly in the center of the bed reading, the next minute I was being pulled up by my hair with him growling "So... you want to bleed do you?" Talk about instant arousal. I don't know how he did it, he went from happy-to-see-his-wife-after-work mode to sadist in no time at all. I'd love to share all the details but honestly, they're a bit fuzzy. I remember at one point I was kneeling and sucking his cock, deep, deep in my throat having my air cut off... then I was left bending over the bed while he set things up that he wanted. Music, knife.. that sort of stuff. He cut me then, across my back and my bottom. Deep cuts that with a few slaps, bled well. I felt him wipe the blood off my back with his finger and though I didn't see him, I know he licked them clean of my blood. There was some very nice spanking in between all that as well.

He had me kneel then as he sat on the bed and cut his shoulder for me, two little lines, deep enough that in moments blood was welling up to the surface. I just knelt there, my mouth hanging open, my eyes hooded, and my thoughts fuzzy. I knelt up and kept inching closer, amazed, watching the intent expression on his face as he bled himself for me. I fed then, at his shoulder.. lapping up the salty, metallic, fluid. Sucking at his flesh, moaning low in my throat, and reaching down to stroke him. When I'd had my fill he laid towels on the bed and had me lie down... sex toys were used and orgasms were had. I later told him that was the best part of my whole weekend and it was. It was some much needed SM, bonding, and forbidden afternoon sex, that we've both been missing sorely and it's also something we only get to do once in a great while right now.

The rest of the weekend was busy, we did grocery shopping, cooked dinner together, checked out the new Wal-Mart on our side of town, got a jump on buying HRS's school supplies, swam, and went to the library. Master did something very special for me today. He went swimming with us. He usually doesn't like to swim, he's uncomfortable in crowds, and is somewhat body conscious. It was so nice having him there and we all had such a good time together. I've become more focused on exercise lately and I want to do it, but I don't want to do it at the expense of my time with Master. So, I'm thrilled that he joined us today. He even enjoyed himself and admitted that it had felt good to get some exercise. Of course, he did forget to put on sunscreen and is now just a teeny bit pink. Good thing we didn't stay out there too long 'else he'd be a hurting unit. I think mostly I'm just happy we got to have today together.

Since ZBoy has moved out I've become keenly aware of how precious my time with the kids is and how short a time we have left in this stage of our relationships. I want to soak it all up, make as many good memories as possible, and just be happy together.

To finish the day Master gave me a spanking and great sex before bed, well, before he went to bed that is. Which is where I should be.

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