Saturday, July 15, 2006

Run By Updating

I guess I disappeared there for a bit again eh? Well, what can I say? I'm rarely here long enough to write much of anything. If I'm not at school or at work, I'm at the pool with HRS. If she had her way we'd be at the pool all day long, every day.

I'm growing more and more dissatisfied with my job and find myself chomping at the bit for something new, something where I'm not the verbal punching bag for ignorant strangers who don't have the capacity to read and understand a simple order form and choose to take it out on me and blame the company for their ignorance. My tolerance level for these people is at about a -6 and one of these days I'm going to say what I'm really thinking. Hopefully I'll have another job lined up before then. *chuckles*

The summer term is winding down and I'm anxious for the fall term to begin so I can get to the finish line. I'm tired of being a student for now. I need a rest.

I'm doing OK on the diet front, though I gained a half a pound in the past week and I'm wondering if it was the two trips out to eat that we made this week that did it. Either way, I'm not beaten. My clothes are all loose fitting and I'm driven to get into smaller sizes. I actually got into a 22 last night, it was just a wee bit snug and didn't look good at all. Could have been the style, whatever, I'll keep looking elsewhere. I didn't feel the usual upset over the clothes not fitting just right that I've felt in the past. That, in itself, is a major victory. I know that until I get to whatever my ending weight will be, I'm going to be between sizes more often than not and that's OK.

We're going to visit with the Tribe for the day today and I'm really excited. We haven't gotten to spend much time with them in quite a while. Life has just been WAY too busy. I'm hoping Master and I might get to sneak a little S&M in while we're there too. I'd be satisfied with just lying over his lap and receiving a leisurely spanking, I'm not greedy. I just need that physical connection with him, the give and take, and the energy we build together.

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