Thursday, May 15, 2008


So, I saw the surgeon yesterday.  He gave me a surgery date.  May 29th, exactly two weeks from today.  I feel panicky, I want to get all the paperwork done NOW.  I want to get the time off approved NOW.  I want to get the surgery over with NOW.  I want to be recovered NOW.  I know, I know, patience is a virtue.
There will be lots of changes afterwards, some good, some sad, but it's all a trade off.  I have to give up some things in order to gain pain relief and increased energy.
I'm scared, no doubt about it.  The surgeon wanted to be sure he impressed upon me how serious this surgery is and he was successful.
I have so much to do and I don't know where to start.  Blah!  I hate major surgery.


Sue said...

Start with a deep breath. I know that facing surgery is difficult and scary. For now, though, I would think this might be the hoped for "break" that you've been longing for. You mustn't get yourself into such a state that you start out behind the 8-ball from a recovery standpoint. Take care of yourself, and let the wisdom and skill of your doctors carry the burden on this one.

I'll be waiting to hear "good news" on the other side.


Joy said...

Thank you swan. You make good points. I'm doing all I can to ensure a good outcome on my end and the rest is hands other than my own.

I'll post from the other side as soon as I'm able, you can be sure of that. :-)
