Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Playing Dress Up

This past weekend Master and I were set to go to a costume/dungeon party. We didn't go. Instead we stayed home and played dress up in private.

Neither of us were sure we'd enjoy it but we went ahead and did it anyway. I took great care with my make-up, making it as perfect as I could. I have to say, doing geisha make-up isn't as simple as it may seem. It would have been simpler with a better foundation; live and learn. Once I was finished I peeked out the bedroom door and called to him, asking him to bring the camera up with him. I quickly arranged myself on the bed kneeling with palms on my thighs. I wanted it to be perfect for him. He smiled when he came into the room and snapped a couple of pictures of me for posterity.

Soon the camera was forgotten as he removed my robe and ordered me into position for a caning. I don't know where my mind was but it certainly wasn't ready for pain. The canes just hurt. He had me change position and caned me some more, then spanked me a couple of times. Noting the noise he decided that we needed a sound dampener. Downstairs he went for his leather gloves while I lay there waiting for him. Once he returned and he slipped those gloves on, he seemed to turn a bit feral. He spanked hard, pinching and squeezing my flesh between his fingers in between strikes. Tiring of spanking he switched to punching and and pounded the flesh of my back, buttocks, and thighs. I was sure I'd not be able to take it but take it I did and enjoyed it to boot.

Things turned sexual soon after that and decidedly more intense. He did something Saturday night that he's never done before and my reaction to it really flustered me. I wanted so much to please him and I tried, I honestly tried but couldn't do what he'd asked of me. He gave me an out and I took it. He wasn't disappointed in me though, as far as I could tell. He seemed pleased that I'd given it my best effort and that I did as much as I had. The entire experience left me shaking for a bit from the intensity of it all and the utter objectification I'd felt. I think I liked it, I know he did and I'm sure he'll be repeating the scenario again in the future with the expectation that I complete it. I'll be his urinal when he's finished with me.

The rest of the weekend we spent together and even managed to get the place entirely to ourselves Sunday night, a situation we promptly took advantage of. *g*

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