Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Catching UP

Computer viruses and reformats, oh my. Sometimes technology is more of a pain in the butt than it's worth.
I think I can say with a small degree of certainty that I'm back.

Our son turned 16 today, despite some trouble and rocky roads, he's turning into a very nice young man. Seeing that makes all the heartache and worry seem worth it somehow.

Master and I got some good play time in over the weekend with each other and with a few close friends, which was wonderfully satisfying after weeks of deprivation. We were both starved for each other's touch. It is easy to forget that he needs me too when I get wrapped up in thoughts of how much I miss him. I'm going to try to remember this in the future when I'm feeling lonely and sorry for myself.

Relationships, while seeming to be secure and strong, can be so very fragile. Even more so when communication breaks down. I need to learn to open up more instead of being a brick wall for Master.

I'd forgotten how much I enjoy writing. I remembered last night when I got out the disk with the beginnings of a story I'd begun writing a while back. It didn't take long for me to look it over and see the parts that needed re-written or just a little extra oomf. It felt good to sit here and work on my story. But then, when I tried to go to sleep, I remembered that I shouldn't write at night. I write and re-write in my head when I should be drifting off to sleep.