Saturday, January 17, 2004


I'm ill, in the middle of a nasty cold really. So I'm tired and I'm irritable. Still it's not excuse to snap and yell at Master the way I did tonight.
I know better than to let go like that. I finally took myself to our bedroom for some quiet time. I needed a time out.

He came upstairs about 15 minutes later and ordered me downstairs to talk. He lectured me about my behavior and apologized for being cranky himself. We spent the rest of the night snuggled on the couch watching a movie with the kids.

I think we're both frustrated with his having worked 15 days in a row with no time off. He's been so exhausted that he hasn't wanted to do more than lounge around the house til bedtime. He'll finally have a day off this Sunday and I'm excited. I want to pamper him a little and help him relax.

I miss him even though I see him every night. I miss him touching me, sneaking up behind me to nuzzle my neck while I sit at the computer. I miss staying up late waiting for the kids to go to sleep so we can have a little play time.