Thursday, June 30, 2005


Okay, as is quite obvious, I'm still messing with my journal. I decided I didn't like the other template. Sorry for the chaos.

I thought maybe it'd be a good idea for something of substance now.

I've been feeling sort of disjointed lately. Like I'm walking through dreamland or dreaming while I'm awake. Sometimes it's hard to separate dreams from reality thanks to my headache med, vivid dreams? You betcha! So vivid that they're realistic and they feel like memories.

I have violent dreams sometimes which is new for me. I didn't always. So it's a little odd to wake up feeling like I'm remembering killing someone. I have to take a moment when I wake up to tell myself, "That was a dream, it didn't happen, I'm awake now."

Then there are the deja dreams. I dream things that haven't happened yet, inconsequential things thankfully, and I don't know that it's something that is going to happen until it happens and I have that 2x4, deja vu, moment. I had one of those moments just the other day and still, even after so many years of having them, I felt jarred. I even said outloud to Master "This has happened before!" He looked at me as if I'd flipped my lid so I explained that I'd dreamed the setting and the conversation. We went on then to finish our conversation.

I seem to have always lived through my dreams, dreams were all I had as a child because real life sucked. In dreams I was loved, cherished, treasured. Things a child should feel from its mother but I never did. So, I had those things in my dreams.

I'm happy to say that I no longer need to run to dreamland to feel loved, cherished, and treasured, Master gives me all of that and more. No, my dreams now are more about creating myself as I want to be.

So, maybe I'm weird with the whole dream thing, maybe I'm not. I just need to find a balance so I can quit feeling so disjointed.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Whew! Okay, I have finally gotten most of the kinks worked out of the new template. I'm still trying to figure out how to put a bit more space at the top of the template so the blogger thingie doesn't cut off the top of the picture and I'll be adding links over the next few days, but, I've got the big work done.

I'm proud of myself!

Now, onto other stuff. I found out today that Master's youngest brother (who is in his early 20's) took it upon himself to tell our son that we go to parties and have sex with strangers. I can't fathom what his motivation for doing this was. I went from laughing at the absurdity of this assertion to being completely incensed with this person. How DARE he say such a thing to one of our children! You know, it's not like we're not capable of making mistakes and scaring our children for life on our own. We don't need his relatives sabotaging us at every turn.

I'm still trying to figure out where he got the idea from. The closest I can figure is he, or one of his friends, visited a certain swinger site that Master and I once, quite some time ago, had a profile on when he wanted to find single guys to play with me.

I think what upsets me the most is our son carried this with him for quite a while before getting up the courage to ask if it were true. I can only imagine the feelings he wrestled with. I'm also afraid to even think of what else his uncle might have said to him that he hasn't yet got the courage to ask about. Poor kid.

I try very hard to be as open with the kids as is appropriate. Our son is nearly 18, it might be time for a sit down to tell him the bare minimum of what his parents are about in order to defuse any landmines still waiting to go off and prevent any new ones being planted. I dread doing this though, he's got some very specific ideas about what is appropriate in a relationship and what isn't. For instance, giving a male friend a hug and a kiss when you're in a relationship is grounds for insane jealousy. *sigh*

I continue to attempt to open up his mind a little in this regard, that much jealousy, in my opinion, is unhealthy.

Anyway, Master has decided that we're going to cut off further contact with his family by not spending Thanksgiving with them this year. I don't know if it will harm or hurt. All I know is they can't be allowed to continue to spew half truths and untruths at our children unchecked. Confrontation is useless, they rewrite history and even what is said to them to suit their purposes. It's extremely frustrating.

I feel hurt, for myself and our son, that this happened. I'd thought I had become an accepted member of the family. I guess I thought wrong.

No wonder I much prefer our extended family.
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Getting There

Well, I'm getting closer to getting it changed! I'm now working on how to add the comments back and adding my links back again. I also need to figure out how to put a little more space at the top so that the top of the picture isn't cut off. If anyone has any suggestions PLEASE e-mail me? chainedbrat at yahoo dot com.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Please bear with me as I try to learn how to edit my template. *going crosseyed*

100 Things about me aka all you never wanted to know and more

1. I have a husband and a boyfriend
2. I used to be thin
3. When I was thin I thought I was fat, now I'd give anything to be that "fat" again
4. When I was a baby I traded strep throat back and forth with the family dog
5. I've done CPR on a cat
6. I have a poem published
7. I've been with the same man for over half my life
8. I married my high school sweetheart
9. When I was about 14 I used make up to create a "bruise" over my eye and told my mom I'd been in a fight just to get her riled up.
10. I've been living with Alan since I was 17
11. I've had sex with a total stranger
12. My earliest sexual/romantic fantasies were about being swept away by a brute of a man and kept as his pleasure slave, chained to a bed in his castle.
13. I tried out to be a cheerleader as a freshman in high school. I didn't make it.
14. I get giddy just looking at new appliances in the store, I have an appliance wish list.
15. I've developed a shoe fetish
16. I collect pigs
17. My sister is the one who buys the pigs for me to collect
18. I nearly drowned when I was very young
19. I have a fear of deep water, especially if I can't see through it.
20. I'm afraid of heights
21. I had my gall bladder removed on the same day, at the same time our youngest daughter was born
22. I've had sex in a fire station, more than once.
23. I'm shy
24. I had WPW (Wolf, Parkinson, White disorder)
25. I lost my virginity at 14
26. I have a phobia about paper cuts and accidental cuts
27. I'm always surprised when someone shows interest in me
28. I've had extreme headaches since I was about 8 years old
29. I don't have any birth marks but always wished I did as a child
30. I broke my pinkie toe when I was a child
31. I had braces
32. I had four stitches in my lip when I was 7 years old, a glass broke in my hand as I was drinking from it.
33. The first concert I ever went to was Bryan Adams
34. I had my tonsils removed when I was 2 years old.
35. I love to sing
36. I've had a semester of formal vocal lessons
37. I played softball as a kid for one season
38. I love Christmas time
39. I love some Gospel music
40. I'm Pagan
41. I like my steak medium rare
42. Sometimes I'm still afraid of the dark
43. My favorite men's cologne of all time is Polo
44. As a child I hated my name
45. I have a Rune cut into my upper back
46. I had Chicken Pox over spring break when I was in elementary school
47. I participated in my first threesome when I was 18
48. I play fart games with Master and my children
49. I don't like tomatoes
50. My favorite tea is Tazo's Earl Grey
51. My favorite color is black followed by emerald green followed by red
52. I have my own blankies in bed, Master and I don't share
53. I had a pay web site for a while where I shared nude pics of myself
54. I'm ever so slightly pigeon-toed
55. My natural hair color is dark brown
56. I have loads of silver hair (thank goodness for hair dye)
57. I once got sexually turned on while eating a steak that was cooked to perfection
58. I quote movies at and with my sister all the time
59. Sometimes I forget myself and quote them at others who may not get what I'm saying.
60. I collect little toys and have them scattered all over my desk
61. I get sexually turned on thinking about knives and having them used on me
62. I am mathematically challenged
63. I wanted to be a professional singer when I grew up
64. To torment my mother I told her I wanted to be the world's only serial killer who stabbed people to death with a spoon
65. I've always had a twisted sense of humor
66. I sometimes have difficulty feeling comfortable with women
67. I relate better/easier with men
68. I was a tomboy as a child
69. I had a black cat as a child whose name was Tiki
70. I still remember a fever-induced nightmare I had as a very young child
71. I've had dreams that have come true
72. When I was a child I wanted to be like the boy in The Black Stallion and be stranded on a deserted island with a horse
73. I get scared by certain horror movies and often want to see them but won't unless it's during the day and I have company
74. My favorite ice cream is Godiva's white chocolate raspberry truffle
75. I'm a nail biter
76. I had my first, and only, proposal when I was 15 and I accepted
77. I love naps
78. Sappy movies, commercials, and stories, make me cry
79. The sound of bagpipes stirs deep emotions in me and I get all choked up
80. I'm anti-social by nature
81. I have a weakness for candles and glassware
82. I took clarinet lessons as a child and hated it
83. I took piano lessons as a child and loved it
84. I have a bit of a pen fetish, I buy myself new pens every semester at school
85. I wish I could have geisha training
86. I've lived in Iowa all my life
87. I sometimes loathe my body, I've had dreams of cutting off offending parts of myself
88. I've had sex in a public park
89. I am an exhibitionist (that wasn't obvious huh?)
90. I've participated in vampirism
91. I'm stubborn (therapists would call it determined *grin*)
92. I've made a day trip to another state just to shop
93. I've been to a cat show
94. I am unapologetic for being who I am
95. I've made my own candles
96. I want to learn how to make my own soap
97. Most of my family on my mother's side doesn't speak to my sister or I
98. My father doesn't acknowledge me
99. One of my favorite colors is pink
100. I love fireworks

Sunday, June 26, 2005


So, after much preparation and being late out the door, Master and I went to the play party last night.

Right off the bat I got to flirt a little and man, what an ego boost! Master likes to watch me flirt and me, I like it when it's positively received. Flirting is good for the soul. We did a good bit of socializing and got reaquainted with a good friend that we haven't seen for ages. We also got to meet a new couple that I think, in time, will become good friends. I think they'll fit in very nicely with the tribe. I'm excited about getting to know them better.

There was a demo on cupping and fire cupping which was really interesting and was presented with a lot of good humor. It sparked Master's interest, and mine, in trying it. Now I'm on the lookout for some cups appropriate to the task. I'm a sensation slut, I like to feel things and the more intense, the better. So this cupping business might be really great.

Not long after they got the dungeon set up Master had me scoping out the equipment. We ended up choosing a cross that was built on a short platform. I liked the way it was built, seemed sturdy. He sent me over and had me begin undressing. I had a brief moment of indecision. There was quite and audience as there was a fireplay scene going on nearby. I may be an exhibitionist but I always have a hard time getting undressed at first. I've gotten more uncomfortable about undressing and I'm not sure why. It didn't used to faze me but, for some reason, it does now. I think maybe I've become a little more private about our playing than I once was.

We had a good time, Master gave me a good thrashing. He started out spanking me, each swat increasing in intensity. It felt as if I were dancing to the tune of his hands on my flesh, my behind swayed in time with his swats. He worked me over until I was moaning but always stopping before it was too much. He did a lot of stuff that I like and I felt so spoiled. Nice heavy floggers on my back, savage bites on my shoulders, and then the canes.

He almost always seems to finish with the canes. I'm not sure but I think he used the oak one almost exclusively. I was buzzing with the sensation. There was the immediate zapsting of the cane stroke and then the buzzsting when he lifted the cane away. Over and over, relentlessly even, he caned my bottom. Finally, I thought for sure I couldn't take it any more and he was finished. He stroked my backside ever so lightly causing me to shiver and twitch. Then he helped me away from the cross and I leaned into him and giggled. I couldn't help it, the giggles just bubbled up from inside me. The only reason I was able to stop giggling was our son calling. I'd forgotten to put the cell phone on silent. *wry grins*

To answer your question Magdala, last night's party was awesome. It was a relief, it was a reconnection, it was good. I told Master that I thought we should make more time for SM, we both need it and I know he gets as grumbly as I do without it. We just seem to let life get in the way too often.

We left the play party early and went out and had drinks and snacks with J and his girl m. It was nice to wind down with them.

When Master woke up today we laid in bed and cuddled nude. We loved each other with every stroke or giggle. Of course we ended up fooling around and finished by snuggling nude again for a bit.

It's too bad he had to work today, I think I could have been ecstatically happy curled up with him all day. I think he could have been too.

I'm looking forward to the Halloween party that's being planned. I've already decided on my costume. I want to go as a geisha. *G*

Friday, June 24, 2005


So, this weekend Master and I plan to attend a public play party and wouldn't you know it? I develop a bladder infection in the last 48 hours. I'd been feeling a sense of impending doom all week. I thought for sure something was going to happen to keep Master and I from going to the party or, at the very least, from enjoying it fully.

I was sure it was because he has to work part of Saturday, now I know it's the bladder infection. The good news is that I got myself to the doctor post haste. As soon as I was sure that the irritated "full" feeling in my lower belly was indeed a bladder infection I headed out the door to the doc. I've got meds and should be able to get a full day's course in yet today so hopefully I'll be feeling a bit better by this time tomorrow. I think I'm lucky this time around in that it's a pretty mild one. I didn't wait for it to get worse, I'm no fool. lol

Yesterday Master and I were both very cranky and feeling a little violent. I wonder now if my crankiness was due to the budding bladder infection. I don't know though, I've had a couple of days of being cranky with little to no explanation or visible cause. I'd chalk it up to hormones but that just sounds so excuse-like.

We were both supposed to go see a sneak preview of Bewitched last night (which is really good, go see it!) but he just didn't feel up to being surrounded by a crowd of people. At first I was pretty disappointed and behaved badly as a result. I was able to make some peace with it and came to a point of acceptance after dinner. Today I can see that it was a good thing that I went alone. I think I needed a little alone time and going to a movie was just perfect. I could let go and just be in the moment in my own little bubble. I felt SO relaxed when I got home. Master was visibly relaxed, dare I say Jell-Oesque.

Today we're both in much better moods which is a relief. I don't know about him or anyone else but when I'm that cranky I'm absolutely miserable and just aching for relief in any form.

As an unrelated side note, I have 50 gmail invites, if you want one leave me a comment.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Now for something completely different

I've been reading tonight, reading journals that I've just bumped across, written by two very phenomenal women. They're survivors just like me only they survived more horrible horrors. Reading other's stories makes me wonder what I ever complained about, y'know?

The truth is, we each have to play with the hand we're dealt, some get worse hands than others. Some get such good cards you wonder if they've stacked the deck. I stopped asking a long time ago, 'why?'. Sometimes there is no why, there is no reason, no rhyme, it just is.

There was a question asked, why do they do it? How can they justify it? They can't and they won't until pressed to do so. (they being child molesters) I've had too much first hand experience with them but not as much as others have. I don't know if the degree of exposure matters, once touched by one it leaves a dark mark on your soul that one is hard pressed to wash away.

Most of the time these days I'm happy, healthy, and don't give much thought to my past. Just, every so often, those thoughts creep in. Memories surface and won't leave me be until they're through with me. Master would likely say I shouldn't expose myself to other survivor's stories. He worries so about my mental health. Not so long ago it would have shattered me for days, or longer. I'm sure memories of me sobbing and rocking as he tried to glue me back together, are still fresh in his mind. I don't blame him for worrying, I bless him for it, thank him for it. I'm not so breakable now, stronger, sturdier, no shattering from old pains made fresh.

I'm constantly amazed by the strength of character displayed by women like these two, angel and Lili G. It gives me hope.

I've thought about chronicling my life the way they're doing but truth be told, I don't know how coherent it would be. My memories are jumbled and perhaps they're safer left as they are. I've dealt with most of them, tried to put them to rest as best I could. I'm not sure it's a good idea for me to bring them out and dust them off. Still, I applaud those who can and do.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Just for Fun

I nicked this from Kaylem. It's early, I'm sleepy and well, I felt like doing something fun. heh!

You Are Subversion!
You are systematic and secretive. Sometimes even very calculating. Most everyone trusts you but they have no idea what really goes on in your head. You are capable of being nice or mean, whatever a situation calls for. You look out for #1.

What Naughty My Little Pony Are You?

Friday, June 17, 2005


I'm sitting here in the midst of prepping myself for Master. I started last night with painting my toenails, today I put on a clear coat. As soon as that's dry I'll head upstairs for a shave.

Why, you ask? Well, it's simple. We're in the middle of a possible mindf*ck or not. Yesterday Master came home from work and declared he was in alpha male mode and I'd better be careful. Yeah, if we know anything about me we know that, that would be the time that I'd be extremely careless. I love playing with Master when he's in that mindset. He gets all brutal and growly and it just turns me on.

So, after a little conversation he told me to head upstairs with him. I headed into the bathroom to relieve my bladder and when I came out he was nude. I was definitely thrilled at this site. *shiver* He then had me strip and bent me over the end of the bed where he proceeded to spank my behind. The whole time he talked about pictures of me that he'd printed out and shared with a friend of his earlier in the week and how the friend very much enjoyed them. Then he began to talk about how he was going to let the friend use me.

He continued to talk about this throughout the spanking and while he f*cked me, asking me if I liked being used like that, reminding me that I am his and can be used like that if he chooses. I whimpered in response. It's difficult for me to give in and admit that I'm his wanton slut and, if he so desires, someone else's wanton slut. I don't know why this is because I'm quite comfy with my sexuality and with my sexual appetites.

Later on in the evening Master left me an e-mail about how I need to be freshly shaved because he won't share a "prickly pussy", as he puts it, with his friend. So, here I am, making preparations so that I'm ready for whatever he has planned. Part of me would like to doubt that he really will give me to his friend but I also know just how much he enjoys seeing me with others. Then again, I also know how much he likes to play with my mind. All I can really do is go with it and be prepared for anything. I knew what he was about when I begged for and accepted his collar.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Hanging with Friends

There was an article in this month's issue of Simply Service that really got me to thinking. The author stated that we don't often take enough time for ourselves to recharge the batteries. I found myself nodding my head while reading the article. It's true for me at least and probably Master too. Neither of us really gets, or takes, the time to recharge.

So last night Master and I went out with some lifestyle friends. It wasn't anything special, just sitting at a bar and chatting, but it was nice. I enjoyed the down time. I didn't have to manage the kids, didn't have to do much but make sure Master had a drink when he wanted one and enjoy the conversation.

It was nice to be with like-minded people where I could be totally myself without worry. I'm looking forward to the public play party that we're going to attend next weekend. We're going as spectators, total tourists, not doing a thing to organize or work the party. That, I think, will be very relaxing.

Just before we started getting ready for our evening out Master decided to give me a bit of a spanking. I was in heaven! I don't know when it happened but at some point I began to really enjoy spankings quite a lot. The best part was seeing Master's rather obvious display of his enjoyment (he was nude). It's just too bad we didn't have more time because I would have dearly loved to show him my appreciation for the spanking.

I told him on the way home from the bar that seeing him erect after giving me a spanking really reaffirmed for me that he enjoys spanking me. All the time spent with M flogging or spanking me just because I needed it sort of screwed me up a bit. It's important to me that I'm not getting something simply because I want, or need, it. If that's the case I'd rather not have it, that seems like too much control to me.

I understand that my dominant partners do want to see me happy (and I appreciate that) but I don't want them to do things that they don't like in order to make me happy. It seems then as if they're serving me, my needs and wants over theirs, and that leaves me not feeling as if I'm submitting and worse, I feel as if they're unable to master me. In fact, M (who did give me pain play only because I needed it despite his not really enjoying it) wasn't really able to master me. It's kind of ironic now, after several years of no pain play between us, that he's finding a bit of the sadist in himself whenever we're together.

At any rate, I'm glad Master enjoys spanking me and pain play in general. I'm also glad he doesn't always give it to me when I ask for it. It's comforting to me that he maintains control.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Fearing Slavery

I've noticed that a lot of folks who aren't participants in M/s, are either baffled or uncomfortable, or both, at the thought of giving (or even taking) so much control to another person as is done in M/s relationships.

This is something I understand. I had a lot of fears and misunderstandings when I was just beginning my kinky explorations. I couldn't even begin to fathom giving up that much control to another person. It actually scared me to think about it and I held very tightly to my own control and kept a nice list of limits just to be safe.

When you see the vast information about M/s on the Web and not a lot of real life experience to balance it, it can seem daunting or even crazy. There are lists of rules a mile long out there intended for slaves with no mention of the responsibilities of the master and no mention of daily life. These lists, in my opinion, can make M/s appear unrealistic ,and even unsafe, and insane.

It took getting to know some real time slaves and masters to overcome my fear of slavery. Why overcome it? Because I was drawn to it, I craved a deeper control a deeper sense of belonging, I needed to be owned. So, I had a good reason to overcome my fears.

What is wrong with showing the real life side of M/s? It isn't all about how the slave takes a beating with dignified stoicism, it isn't all about serving gracefully in the nude. It's about the exchange of power, it's about trust. Even if there isn't romantic love, it's still a partnership where two people are working toward a common goal.

Is it possible, that if M/s were presented realistically that there would be less cause for fear and misunderstanding? I'd like to think so. I know seeing realistic presentations eased my fears and actually facilitated my understanding.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Cold Burn

I wanted to write about last night's cutting. I began writing last night but, sometimes I wonder if I'm too open. Too frank. So, I deleted my post. But here I am again today, talking about it. I need to.

Last night Master did more work on the cutting on my back, trying to make each line scar and keloid like two of them have. It isn't easy, you never know exactly how a cut will scar, or won't. You can make each cut the same depth and still, each one heals differently.

Last night's cutting was more intense than other sessions. I was lying face down on the bed so he had excellent access to my back and had less trouble with the blood flowing. I moaned without any conscious thought or will to do so. Master had to shush me and until he did I wasn't really aware that I was moaning so focused was I on the feel of the blade swimming through my skin.

Master pointed out that lying down is a more vulnerable position which is likely why it felt so much more intense. If I'd given it even a small amount of though I'd have come to the same conclusion but my brain was a bit addled with all those lovely endorphins.

Each time Master draws my blood I feel as if I'm making an excellent sacrifice to him, my god. It is a bit of a ritual, I strip as he lays out his instruments, I lay down as he pulls on those blue gloves and I shiver a little as I hear them snap into place. I think he does that snapping bit just for effect. Then the cold and the familiar, almost welcome, scent of alcohol as he cleans my skin. Without any preamble, he begins to cut. He begins by placing one hand on my shoulder to as a balance, and then the blade slices through my flesh as if it were of no more substance than tissue paper. The breath I'd sucked in eases out through pursed lips and I suck in another breath, slowly so as not to hyperventilate. This little dance is done over and over until the cutting is complete, breathe in, cut, exhale, breathe in, cut, exhale.

It is over in what feels like seconds and I lay there in a muzzy stupor, asking silly questions like "You're done?"

The sex afterwards is delicious, we're both primed and ravenous for it. The rest of the night is spent feeling silly and mushy, I couldn't keep myself from reaching out to touch his hand, his arm, while sitting on the couch watching a movie. I must have told him "I love you" a million times and each time I said it I felt like I hadn't said it enough.

Friday, June 10, 2005


I am awash with need for him today. I woke up wishing he was in bed beside me stroking my nude body as I stretched and shook the sleep from my mind. I sit here reading blogs and checking e-mail and the need just simmers in me, getting warmer the longer it simmers, perfecting the stew.

What is it about him that makes me ache this way? I don't entirely understand it. Despite what he might teasingly say, no other man could sate this need the way he can. It's not a need for cock in general, it's a need for his cock, his touch, his words, him. Sex with him is rarely rough though I'd happily oblige if it were, but it isn't what I'd call "making love" either. We f*ck and I wouldn't have it any other way, I don't think he would either. We're well suited to each other in that way.

We won't have an opportunity to connect until later tonight and then it's likely we'll both be too tired to do anything about it. So I'll continue to simmer until he can take me off the burner and stir the pot. *grins*

Thursday, June 09, 2005

More Thoughts on Protocol

As I was reading Beauty's Punishment, of all things, I realized some of what it is about formal protocols regarding behavior and speech, and even (or especially) heavy SM, that is tantalizing to me. I need to be used hard, I need the ritual of it, the regularity of it. That probably seems pretty vague.

I'll try to flesh out my thoughts a little further, though they're still sort of jumbled in my head.
In the story there is a point where a slave is speaking to his master. The master is trying to figure out what motivates slaves and this slave in particular. Through this conversation they both come to realize that it is the rigors of the slavery that motivates. Each trial becomes an adventure to the slave. I'm not sure I'd call it an adventure exactly but, I am driven to please my owner and I look at opportunities to do so as a challenge to rise to.

The more I am used (more than just sexually) and restricted, the more content I feel. When I'm given more autonomy I begin to feel out of sorts and I get cranky, sort of like when you don't get a full night's sleep or when you leave the house without your wallet. I feel almost naked, there is an absence of that certain something that makes me feel complete.

When I am used hard, sometimes debased and objectified, it feels as if all the planets have aligned and I'm whole. Even when I'm struggling with something Master wants, all is as it should be and I feel content.

So therein lies the draw, for me, to formal protocol dealing with behavior and speech. It's ritualized and emphasizes the dividing line between Top and bottom, Master and slave. It's that emphasis that draws me, that one thing, or several things that help to make me feel like a slave.

I believe this is why some of us use mantras and meditations to help us be continually mindful of our position. We ritualize the mundane to create a mindful attitude and to help maintain the headspace we so crave.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Recently on my local group's discussion list there has been talk of protocol. So far I'm seeing only dominants weighing in about how submissives and slaves should be expected to behave.

I wonder if they believe that dominants should be held to certain standards of behavior as well or if they believe that dominants are infallible simply because they choose to call themselves dominant.

Protocol, in this slave's opinion, is a set of societally dictated behaviors. Etiquette is protocol, so too are certain modes of address, and behavior, etc. Our local group has not adopted any protocols other than basic respect and common courtesy. These are expected of all members be they dominant, submissive, or something in between.

Sometimes the idea of more formal protocols, such as specific modes of address from submissives to dominants, is appealing. However, our group will not likely adopt more formal protocols as we pride ourselves on being relaxed and welcoming to all. I'm not sure how I'd feel about going into a group that expected and enforced formal protocols. I'd be concerned about those who just decide to take upon themselves the title of dominant and abuse it. I don't want to be required to show respect and deference to a person such as that.

So, any expectations of formal protocol would have to come from Master or m'Lady and I really don't think either of them are inclined to enforce such behavior.

I believe formal protocol, specifically dealing with modes of address and behavior, do have their place in the D/s and, especially, the M/s Lifestyle. They're excellent tools to reinforce one's position be it dominant or submissive. I think that being expected to act and speak a certain way would help me on those days when I'm not feeling very slave like.

I admit to wondering what it would be like to be surrounded by folks who practice and expect more formal protocols. I wonder if it would get tiring or if it would feel somehow contrived, or would I be surprised? Would it feel natural and right?

Saturday, June 04, 2005


I think I'm a bit burned out. A few years ago I allowed myself to be encouraged and talked into running for the board (leadership) of our local BDSM group. It has been a good experience for me, actually it's been really great. I've learned a lot and it's helped me to come a little further out of the shell I was hiding in.

Then, last year, I had the brilliant idea that our group needed a space for the submissives to talk freely. I'd noticed that we'd had a lot of good topics at other discussions but that the dominants tended to rule the discussions. I don't hold this against them, it's what they do, and I think sometimes we submissives and slaves fall into the habit of keeping quiet while the dominants talk, occasionally piping up to voice an opinion, at least I do. I find myself somewhat intimidated by numerous dominants and my natural inclination is to become part of the background and just listen. I do that a lot in day to day life, I'm more of a listener than a talker.

Anyway, I brought my idea to my fellow board members and Bob's your uncle, I was nominated to create the group and to lead it. At first I was inspired, driven, and really excited. I was also nervous and petrified at having to speak in front of all these people; knowing them didn't ease my anxiety. Have I ever mentioned that I truly hate public speaking? During the first speech I gave in my college speech class, I shook from head to toe. My shaking was visible, especially to the gal in the front row who said "Oh my gawd she's shaking!" Yeah, that helps.

Anyway, I got through the first forum and went on to lead many more. Just after the first of the year, I began to feel it. Burnout. I began to dread the forum and I was mentally exhausted afterwards. Then I had the brilliant idea of changing to an every other month format with the hopes that that would ease my burnout. But I don't think it has. I'm hard pressed to create good presentations.

Yet, at the same time I still have the desire to lead, to give back to my fellows in leather. I think it's uber important for there to be resources for those already in the lifestyle and for those just coming in. It doesn't seem that there are too many out there, at least in our community, that have the time or the energy to give to make these things happen. I can't seem to just walk away, I feel a sense of responsibility to keep things going. So, since I'm able and I'm willing, I step up and do what needs doing.

I've really gotten a lot out of being in leadership positions, my public speaking skills have improved and I'm more outgoing than I once was. I've gained a lot of self-confidence too. I just wish I had some help, some support. I feel like I'm all alone sometimes and only a few appreciate the work I'm doing. Not that being appreciated is necessary, but it sure does go a long way toward making all the work seem worthwhile. Y'know?

I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do. I would like to find a co-leader for the submissive's forum, possibly alternate months for presenting topics. I'm afraid that Master and m'Lady will force me to step down from the board and let the forum go if they think I'm burned out. I sincerely hope they don't. These things mean a lot to me and I've gotten so much out of it. I just need to find a way to refresh myself and to get re-inspired; to recharge.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Fantasy Talk

When the mood hits, not that mood, Master and I talk about how things will be when the kids are grown and on their own. One of his favorite things to talk about is how I won't be allowed to wear any clothes in the house. I'm trying to wrap my head around this. I'm a practical kind of girl and running about the house naked all the time, while it sounds fun and hot and all that, just doesn't seem practical.

I realize that Master's whims don't have to be practical, I just can't help thinking about the what ifs. I'm sure, knowing him as I do, he'd have contingency plans in place for things like surprise guests, etc. As I've said before, the thing he enjoys most is playing with my mind and I'm betting he'll grin like the Cheshire Cat when he reads this entry. The worst part about his mindf*cks is that you just never know for sure. It could be that he's just saying something to see a reaction, then again, he could be serious and saying it to see the reaction.

Back to the original idea, fantasy talk... I look forward to more Master and me time. I look forward to being able to play if we choose to or being able to sit naked next to him on the couch watching t.v. I wonder if other M/s couples with kids have the same talks about the possibilities like Master and I do.

I love thinking about the possibilities.

Quizzy Fun

I nicked this from luna


Have you ever?

(x) snuck out of the house
( ) gotten lost in your city
(x) seen a shooting star
( ) been to any other countries besides US
(x) had a serious surgery
(x) gone out in public in your pajamas
(x) kissed a stranger
(x) hugged a stranger
( ) been in a fist fight
( ) been arrested
( ) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose
(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator
(x) swore at your parents
(x) been in love
(x) been close to love
(x) been to a casino
( ) been skydiving
( ) skinny dipped
(x) skipped school
(x) seen a therapist
( ) done the splits
( ) played spin the bottle
(x) gotten stitches
( ) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
(x) bitten someone
( ) been to Niagara Falls
(x) gotten the chicken pox
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
( ) crashed into a friend's car
( ) been to Japan
(x) ridden in a taxi
(x) been dumped
(x) shoplifted
( ) been fired
(x) had a crush on someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) gone on a blind date
( ) lied to a friend
( ) had a crush on a teacher
( ) celebrated Mardi-Gras in new Orleans
( ) been to Europe
( ) slept with a co-worker
(x) been married
( ) gotten divorced
(x) had children
( ) seen someone die
( ) had a close friend die
( ) been to Africa
( ) driven over 400 miles in one day
( ) been to Canada
( ) been to Mexico
( ) been to India
( ) been on a plane
(x) seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
( ) thrown up in a bar
( ) purposely set a part of myself on fire
( ) eaten sushi
(x) been skiing/snowboarding
(x) met someone in person from the internet
(x) lost a child
(x) gone to college/university
( ) graduated college/university
(x) fired a gun
(x) purposely hurt yourself
(x) taken painkillers
(x) been intimate with someone of the same gender

I'll be nice, no taggies but, it's kind of fun. ;-)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Acceptance and Celebration

This article is excellent and got my mental juices flowing again.

Unlike some, my embracing of SM felt natural. It didn't feel dirty and I didn't have guilt over it, it was simply another facet of myself that I'd uncovered and given a name to. Embracing my submissive self, however, was a little more difficult.

It was difficult only because I had to unlearn all the garbage my mother taught me. I've mentioned it elsewhere in my journal, I'm sure, that my mother was a single parent who had little use for men. She's not quite a man-hater but she's very close. She raised us girls to be independent, to dislike and distrust men (as if our early experiences with men were reason enough to write of the species), she raised us to be domineering women.

I had to unlearn all of that plus my inherent distrust of men that I developed due to childhood abuses. Once I got past that I felt so unburdened, light, free. It was truly a homecoming for me. I came home to my real self.

The above-linked article reminded me that it isn't this easy for everyone. It reminded me how tenuous our position in society is and it makes me angry that so many of us have to hide who we really are for fear of losing jobs, losing children, or in general fear of being ostracized. In this light, I applaud and admire those few of us who are courageous enough to be public about who they are, to be out.

I do what I can for the local community, taking care that I don't put myself too out there so as not to cause problems for our children. Master is more out than I am, but I think, his being the type of person he is affords him more slack from others. Perhaps I'm letting societal pressure to be "normal" dictate my behavior outside safe zones such as the privacy of our bedroom or gatherings with lifestyle friends. I'll have to think on that a bit more.

Mostly, what the above-linked article reminded me of is this, we have a lot to celebrate, we have a lot to be thankful for. There are many who die without ever having been able to fully be themselves, even in private.