Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Whew! Okay, I have finally gotten most of the kinks worked out of the new template. I'm still trying to figure out how to put a bit more space at the top of the template so the blogger thingie doesn't cut off the top of the picture and I'll be adding links over the next few days, but, I've got the big work done.

I'm proud of myself!

Now, onto other stuff. I found out today that Master's youngest brother (who is in his early 20's) took it upon himself to tell our son that we go to parties and have sex with strangers. I can't fathom what his motivation for doing this was. I went from laughing at the absurdity of this assertion to being completely incensed with this person. How DARE he say such a thing to one of our children! You know, it's not like we're not capable of making mistakes and scaring our children for life on our own. We don't need his relatives sabotaging us at every turn.

I'm still trying to figure out where he got the idea from. The closest I can figure is he, or one of his friends, visited a certain swinger site that Master and I once, quite some time ago, had a profile on when he wanted to find single guys to play with me.

I think what upsets me the most is our son carried this with him for quite a while before getting up the courage to ask if it were true. I can only imagine the feelings he wrestled with. I'm also afraid to even think of what else his uncle might have said to him that he hasn't yet got the courage to ask about. Poor kid.

I try very hard to be as open with the kids as is appropriate. Our son is nearly 18, it might be time for a sit down to tell him the bare minimum of what his parents are about in order to defuse any landmines still waiting to go off and prevent any new ones being planted. I dread doing this though, he's got some very specific ideas about what is appropriate in a relationship and what isn't. For instance, giving a male friend a hug and a kiss when you're in a relationship is grounds for insane jealousy. *sigh*

I continue to attempt to open up his mind a little in this regard, that much jealousy, in my opinion, is unhealthy.

Anyway, Master has decided that we're going to cut off further contact with his family by not spending Thanksgiving with them this year. I don't know if it will harm or hurt. All I know is they can't be allowed to continue to spew half truths and untruths at our children unchecked. Confrontation is useless, they rewrite history and even what is said to them to suit their purposes. It's extremely frustrating.

I feel hurt, for myself and our son, that this happened. I'd thought I had become an accepted member of the family. I guess I thought wrong.

No wonder I much prefer our extended family.


Anonymous said...

I love the new layout! Best of luck tweaking it! It looks terrific! Well done!

Sorry to hear about the trouble with A's family. I agree "The Talk" might be necessary. I hope it goes well if you do decide to go that route.

Sue said...

Joy -- This is sooooo... ugly and nasty! What an awful attack on your child and your family. I wish you and your Master luck (and great wisdom and calm and peace) as you share who you are and what your love means with your child (children). I've two adult children (27 and 29) who are aware of my lifestyle choices and having them know and understand makes it much easier for me to maintain my loving connection with them and for them to connect with and be loved with my loves -- it is good for them to have Master and T in their lives. However I understand that there is a great deal of difference between 18 years and 27 years... Master's children, who are younger (22 and 16) are somewhat less "specifically" aware of our lives. Still they understand who we are to one another so that "strangers" don't get to define that for them. Best wishes to you all...


Joy said...

Thanks elle, as you can see I'm still playing with it. I decided I wanted something different again. Why can't I make up my mind?

swan, *hugs* I'm so glad things worked out well for you. I hope that when/if we do decide to tell ours, it will go as well.