Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A Chat With Master

Master: So, I read your journal. I see you're going to try to give up more control. I like that you want to give it up but I also like taking it too.

I think I grinned a lopsided grin at him at this point and didn't say much. I don't often unless something needs to be said.

I have to say that my favorite form of communication is written and Master doesn't seem to mind reading my journal. It usually sparks conversations and we come to deeper understandings. I'm not a very talkative person and won't often say much, Master, on the other hand, is a talkaholic. *grins* He could be domly and force me to speak and in cases where I'm upset he will, and that's probably good for me. But most of the time he seems happy to give me space to write and then takes time to read it and if there's something he wants to talk about, he will.

I feel like we've got a deeper understanding and clearer communication since he began reading my journals. He seems a lot more content too.

I thought it might be nice to give a little glimpse into our way of communicating. I don't talk much about it but that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. We couldn't have a successful relationship without communication.

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