Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Anal Retentive Approach to Weight Loss

You know, the more I read the title the more I think it should be made into a joke of some sort. It just sounds like it's going to be funny doesn't it?

But alas, in this case it isn't a funny. It's my "new and improved" approach to getting healthy. I had some small success last year, though I've gained a good portion of the weight I'd lost back. I proved to myself that I can lose weight. So I'm not feeling too daunted by the enormity of this task. I've broken it down into small, manageable, two-month chunks with steps to achieve that particular goal, with Master helping to keep me accountable. I think that part of my failure last year was that I didn't have a concrete plan and not enough accountability.

You see, I had a bit of an epiphany last night. Maybe that's not the right word for it, I was hit with the cosmic 2x4, yeah that's about right. I realized last night that it's more than likely that I'm heading into pre-menopause and have been for the past year. I'll get more information about that from the doc in late January. At any rate, when a woman goes into full menopause it brings a few health issues of its own in addition to greater difficulty losing weight. I decided that I don't want to go into menopause at my current weight; I'm convinced that if I do I'll be this size forever. I'm not ready to accept that as my reality.

I'm not ready to spend the rest of my life as unhealthy as I am. I want to be healthier, I want to feel good more often than I do. I know that exercise is the key to this. (Yes Master, you were right.) I know that exercise will improve my back pain. I also know I'm a lazy wench and I need a LOT of accountability. I've messaged m'Lady about jumping on my Get Fit bandwagon with visions of weekly reports to each other for added accountability and support. I tried a submissives only weight loss support group last year and while that was some help, I just didn't connect there the way I'd hoped and so it was easy to not keep up with it.

I'm scared that I'll start off strong and then gradually lose motivation as the year progresses like I did last year. I'd lost about 15 pounds when I started slacking off last year. My Yahoo weight progress chart stares at me accusingly every time I go to My Yahoo page. I haven't cleared it out. I know Master has a hard time staying focused and motivated too and I'm counting on him as my support so I'm scared that we'll let each other down in this endeavor.

I don't know if I'll post much here about it, I'm sure there'll be the occasional post about my struggles and frustrations. I'm sure too that there'll be some rantings as I detox from sugar. Yes, sugar is addictive, I had physical proof last year when I gave it up. When I'd been about two weeks without sugar I no longer craved sweets and they didn't sound appealing when offered. Then for no reason other than "we deserve this sweet as a treat", we'd have a sugary treat and I'd begin craving sweets all over again after just one serving of sweets.

Right now I'm planning. I have written out short-term goals with steps to achieve them and long-term goals with steps to achieve those too. I've got a lot of new behaviors to learn and I've decided that doing it slowly will be best 'else I'll get gung-ho and will end up quitting before I've barely begun. I have the tools and I'm gathering the support, now do I have the fortitude to see this through? It's so much easier to just relax and eat what and when I want.

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