Friday, December 09, 2005


From Kindlings
Do you find obedience to be easy for you?

The short answer would be yes, and no. I think a lot of this depends on what one would consider to be obedience. Is doing what you're told while making smartarsed remarks obedience?

I am a smartalec, I can't seem to stop the snappy comments that pop into my head and often fall out of my mouth before I can even think about them. BUT, that's part of how Master and I relate to one another, always have. We tease and taunt each other, often making witty jabs at one another and giggling afterwards.

I have rebellious thoughts and sometimes voice them while I'm doing what was requested. The kid in me would like to argue that that is obedience, I'm doing what I'm told right? If Master were more strict with me then perhaps it wouldn't be.

I guess obedience doesn't come easily to me. But I do try.

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