Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas Party and The Beast

Over the weekend Master and I went to a Christmas dinner/gift exchange/play party. It was great fun, the food was wonderful (and plentiful) as was the company. The gift exchange was fun, I got to watch someone really enjoy one of the gifts we'd brought. I love giving gifts, I really like seeing someone else enjoy something I've given them. It just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Then it came time to play and play we did. I got in a little trouble for asking him if I should remove my panties along with everything else. I know that's what he wants but I keep hoping he'll allow me that small bit of modesty. Silly girl.

I watched him pick out a few toys as I undressed and knew I'd be in for more than just a good sound beating. He'd pulled out that despicable Wartenburg wheel. Still, I was game and got into the spirit of it all. I know he enjoys getting reactions so I give them to him whenever he "requests" them. Even if it's only a low growl in the back of my throat, I'm reacting. But the Wartenburg wheel makes me dance, makes me giggle, scream, kick, and want to take it away from him. He gets a lot of enjoyment out of that one little toy. It simply wears me out because I simply cannot remain passive and take it stoically. As soon as it comes out and I hear the wheel being turned (he does this to torture me I'm sure) I begin to wiggle and my mind switches to fight or flight mode. I can honestly say, I've never been so relieved as when he finally put the wheel away.

I can't recall the sequence of events, even if I sit down to write about it right after it happens it all sort of runs together in my memory. The one thing that really stands out in my mind is when he brought out the canes. I wasn't ready for the sting (am I ever?) and I began to get a bit angry and fought back. Of course this just pushed all of his buttons and called his predatory instincts into play. This is what I call playing with The Beast. I know it's going to push his buttons if I fight back but I do it anyway, I like it when he goes feral. That's when my buttons get pushed and I go into a very deep primal space. Unfortunately that didn't happen Saturday night. He took me well in hand and caned me into submission. When he'd finished I was (happily) in tears. I felt languid afterwards and didn't want to move so he just released my hands and leaned against the equipment we'd been using while I came back to myself enough to move.

Despite enjoying playing with The Beast I'm always happy when Master comes back and cuddles me afterwards. I don't think I could live with The Beast.

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