Friday, March 31, 2006

Surgery Update

It all started Tuesday really. Went to see the doc for a follow-up US and pre-op visit. The US showed the one polyp and that the ovary was fine after all. This made things so much simpler and I was relieved. I saw the doc and asked for something to help me sleep that night because I knew I'd lie awake all night worrying if he didn't give me something.

I finally fell asleep around midnight or one a.m. and actually slept until about seven a.m. but I forced myself to lie in bed until eight when I had to get up . I was nervous as expected but I focused on my shower routine and then fiddled around online until it was time to go.

Once we got to the surgery center things got a little, hmm, sticky. They called me back to the business office to fill out paperwork and that's when I realized they didn't have the ablation on the paperwork. Much confusion ensued and at first I was worried that it wouldn't be done. They told me that they shared the ablation machine with another facility and it might not be there that day since they didn't know to have it there. When the lady left the room to go see if the machine was there I told Master that I'd be calling the whole thing off if it wasn't there. No way did I want to have two procedures. I wanted to get it all done at once. He was in agreement with me but luckily the machine was there and they altered the paperwork to show that the ablation would be done. I also made sure to speak with the doctor before surgery to verify that he was, indeed, doing the ablation. Paranoid me?

After we filled out the paperwork we went back to the waiting room, Master and I. M was late so Master suggested that I call him and I did. He was just heading out the door when I called but it was reassuring to know that he'd be on his way. I had brought a book with me to read, thinking it would help distract me. Goodness knows Dora The Explorer on the TV didn't do much for me. I tried to read but I really couldn't focus on the words so I ended up closing the book and just holding onto it like a security blanket while I leaned into Master's embrace.

M finally showed up and he sat between me and the door. They joked that he had to sit there to make sure I didn't run. I guess I looked as if I'd run if I could. Soon they started chatting together and that in itself helped soothe my nerves, let me pretend that we were just hanging out somewhere together and that I wasn't about to go into surgery.

It wasn't long though before a nurse called me back to the pre-op area. I gave Master and M a final glance and then followed the nurse. She kept me distracted with all the fun pre-op stuff, changing into that uber sexy gown, putting on the sexy cap and "booties", and being weighed. What fun. Then she led me into the pre-op waiting room that was filled with recliners partitioned by curtains hanging from the ceiling. Once I sat down she began explaining everything to me. "This blanket here will be with you all through your stay here, if you're cold we can plug it into the heater here." As she said this she pointed to a little machine on the floor near my leg that looked like a small shop vac. The nurse, I think, could tell just how nervous I was and made sure to keep talking, keep me answering questions until she brought the guys back. She asked who was with me and I told her my husband and a very close friend, she asked if I wanted both of them to come back and I nodded my head emphatically yes. I was afraid there'd be problems with asking to have M back there with us but they didn't bat an eyelash at the request.

All through the talks with the nurse antesthetist and the doc the guys sat in front of me and kept up good conversations. It was soothing, calming. I felt safe. I knew I'd be OK, they were there. I asked to have something to calm my nerves once the IV was in and soon they brought some Versed and after that, all was copacetic.

They soon hustled me to the OR and had me hop up on the teeny tiny table that looks like it's made for Barbie. The last thing I remember is someone putting a blood pressure cuff around my left arm, then I woke up from surgery. They didn't even tell me they were putting me under and I certainly didn't feel it. Imagine my relief. No sensations of drowning, no sudden panic that I'm going to sleep and not going to wake up.

When I woke up I was confused, I'd been dreaming that I was at work. I didn't know where I was and I remember the nurse asking me if I were OK and I managed to mumble "confused." That's when we had a little more "drama" the nurse sitting with me told me the procedure went well, they removed three polyps. Seems they found two more that didn't show up on US. I asked about the ablation and she didn't know what I was talking about so she went to find out. In between all this I was writhing in a bit of pain. I don't think I've hurt that much since I woke up from having my combination c-section/gall bladder removal/tubal ligation. It took three shots of pain meds, a shot of ibuprofen, and finally an oral pain med to get the pain under control. It actually controlled all of my pain for a little while, my back felt terrific-until the pain meds began wearing off that is.

In the second stage of recovery I had a different nurse and she asked who was with me, I told her Master and a very close friend and she said she'd bring my family back. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling hearing those words. These two men, they are my family, my chosen family. I'm sure the nurse didn't have an inkling of our situation, but nonetheless her words warmed my heart. Once Master and M came back to sit with me they started chatting again and trying to comfort me the best they could. They'd gone to lunch, as I'd suggested, while I was in the OR and had a good time doing so. Master called m'Lady and let her know that I was OK and let me speak to her for a moment. I nearly cried hearing her voice. I felt complete then, cared for and protected. They were all there with me at that moment. Each one of them means so much to me in very different ways and I'm very proud to serve them.

Master, M, and I all made sure to ask the nurse to double-check to see if the ablation procedure had been done and she assured us that yes, it had been done. I'm still not entirely sure it was done and won't feel certain until I speak with my doctor. All this unknown business really annoys me.

Wednesday afternoon and evening I lounged around and napped. I was sore, my back and legs began to protest along with my achey belly. I kept the hot water bottle filled with hot water against my belly all of Wednesday and most of yesterday. It really did soothe the ache. Yesterday when I woke up I had a lot more pain and felt really glad that I'd made sure to ask for something to have on hand for it. My throat has been super sore, I think they tried to fist my throat, that's how it feels anyway. All in all, I feel much better today than I did yesterday or the day before. I'm still feeling sort of wiped out and sore but I can tell I'm improving.

Ironically, I've been feeling extremely frisky since Wednesday night. Master has definitely benefited. *g* However, it's extremely frustrating too. No penetrative sex for me at least a few weeks, possibly longer. Orgasms will be OK once my poor uterus isn't as sore. Just getting aroused last night was enough to set off a few crampy twinges. But, I can't help myself. I want him, I want to touch him, I want to pleasure him. I don't think my limitations should mean that he has to go without. I don't want that to be the case. But, still, I'm frustrated. Master says he's scared of the day I'm finally able to have penetrative sex, he says I'm going to "tear him apart". *ggg* Can I help it that, when it's working, I have an extremely strong sex drive?

He's been really solicitous of me and letting me rest as much as I need. It was sort of funny last night, he asked me to get him a drink and I'd just come in from the kitchen and gave him a look before I could stop myself. LMR was standing in the living room and said "You're going to make gimp woman get you a drink?" She was teasing but he actually rethought his request and got his own beverage so I could sit down and rest. She's the most thoughtful of the bunch.

Today I've been lazing, it's been strange not having to go to work this week. I keep feeling as if I'm doing something naughty by not being there. I decided it was time for a change to this place and thanks to the lovely miss Mija, I found the perfect new template. Go visit her site, she does some really lovely work and she's really helpful when you've got questions.

Now I've got to take LMR to the doc to see about a refill on her birth control pills. Perhaps a nap when I get home. *smiles*


Mija said...

ohhh honey i'm so glad things went well. I was saying lots of prayers for you. Hugs.

If you want me to make you a haloscan image to match your blog just let me know

cj goad ~ photography said...

Glad it went well for you. :)Hospitals are scary places, even for a visit.