Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sucky Things

Master and I have found a new(to us) activity that we both seem to be enjoying immensely. Fire cupping. Put simply you take little glass cups with an opening that is smaller than the rest of the glass (we use votive holders) and put a little lubrication on the rim and just around the inside of the rim to assure a good seal. Then using a flame source, either a lighter or a candle though we've found that a lighter is easier to use, you heat the air inside the glass then quick as you can, place it on the area of skin you've got all picked out for it. As the air inside the cup cools it creates a vacuum seal and sucks some of the skin up into the cup. This is almost too much fun with nipples. *grins* The reason we feel the lighter works best is because you can keep it and the cup closer to the skin, leaving less time for the air to cool before placing the cup. I want to get Master an aim-a-flame type lighter as I think that might make things even easier/more comfortable for him.

Fire cupping, and cupping in general, is a form of acupressure and has been used in folk medicine to treat a variety of symptoms. I like it as a form of foreplay and relaxation. I relax a little more as each cup goes on, sinking into the sensation of pressure/pinch. I almost feel like purring after he's covered my back with cups. After the cups are in place Master likes to have me suck his cock and then will f*ck me. It's a very unusual sensation to be f*cked and have these cups moving about in time with his thrusts. Just changing position while the cups are in place is fun, the skin is pulled taut and each movement is a reminder that the cups are still there.

For a few minutes after they've been removed it still feels as if I'm still wearing the cups. Yesterday when he'd finished removing them I asked him if he was sure that was all because I could swear there were still some attached. I'm the type who loves to have marks to look at for days after playing so you can imagine my delight when I found perfect purplish circles all over my back the first night we tried this. It's just too bad they're not a teensy bit tender or sore, I think I'd like that too, a gentle reminder of the fun we had.

I'm doubly pleased because this is an activity we can do here at home with no worries about the girls hearing something they shouldn't. The most they might hear are my giggles and purring which could very easily be from a massage. I never thought Master would be interested in doing fire cupping because he's a serious sadist and loves percussion and impact play and he doesn't really like fire play. Much to my happy surprise he is quite enthusiastic about it and is eager to buy more cups so he can put them all over my back, butt, and the backs of my legs.

Master thinks that if he were to leave the cups on longer than we've been doing thus far that they might actually pull blood to the surface. You know I'm eager to try that next!

Words aren't enough to express how happy I am that swimsuit season is pretty well over. No more worries about having to be careful of having visible marks or having to come up with a plausible reason for said marks. I had to do that once over the summer after some very intense knife play Master and I did one afternoon. I felt so guilty about lying to my girls about how I got the cuts. It's not that I want to tell them the truth about what their parents do behind closed doors and how their mom gets those types of marks, I just don't like lying to them nor do I like having to make up stories about the marks I get. I'm not ashamed of the marks, I'm actually quite proud of them, and lying about them makes me feel, I don't know....less genuine I guess.

The marks I wear are badges of honor, they're reminders of wonderful, and sometimes not so wonderful, experiences Master and I have shared together. I also feel that every scar and tattoo on my body tells a story, they're the road map of my life. To quote a favorite song of mine, "The scars remind us that the past is real.." That's why when HRS suggested I could have a tattoo done to cover up the rune Master cut into my back I told her "No way, I love my scars."

Especially that one.

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