Thursday, October 23, 2008


Yesterday I was trying to explain how I feel now, after last week's revelations, regarding the mother to m'Lady.  The closest I can come is that I feel like an orphan but not in the negative sense of the word.  I don't feel abandoned, rather I just feel like I'm my own person with no real parents.  And in this sense I feel free from a lot of my past.
I never had a father growing up.  I knew I had one and I even knew who he was, met him, and saw him occasionally.  But he wasn't my father or my dad.  He was a sperm donor for all intents and purposes and I had no attachment to him and felt no familial relation to him at all.  He made it plain that he didn't acknowledge me or my sister as his children and didn't want to be a father to us after I'd written him a letter asking why.  I feel the same way about the mother now.  I feel very detached from her and very little familial relation.
This may seem like a negative thing at first glance but in all honesty it isn't.  I've spent a lot of time stressing and had a lot of angst over my relationship with her.  It's been wasted time and now I am finally free of her.  I feel better than I have in a long time.  Strange but true.
I hope my sister can get to this point.  She bore the worst of it.  I always thought she was the favored child who could do no wrong in the mother's eyes.  The things I didn't know could fill a book and I regret not being there to protect my sister.  I can't change it now but I will try to help her get past it if I'm able.
So yep, feeling good.  Feeling positive.  Had a good visit with the headshrinker and I don't have to go back til January.  Yay!  Now if Master could start feeling better, poor guy has some sort of bug, the World would be right. :-)

Monday, October 20, 2008


When I was upset last week over my sister's revelations about our mother I'd written to m'Lady and Sir.  I needed to vent (a lot) and I needed their support.  I also wanted to let them know what was going on with me just because I like keeping them in the loop.
Sir is on vacation and I didn't expect a response from him until he got back.  But the very next morning after writing he sent me a note of support and love.  His words were sweet and it was obvious he really wished he could offer more than just an e-mail in the way of support.  He even sent me a little something to cheer me up and take my mind off of my troubles.  It was unexpected but welcome all the same, even if I did feel a little guilty about maybe being a downer on his vacation.
They're all wonderfully supportive.  Master keeps reminding me that what may or may not have happened, regardless of the circumstances, doesn't change who I am.  He's right and once I digested and processed the information I wrote an (as of yet) unsent letter to my mother describing my feelings, which has helped me move through them.  I'm feeling better about it.  There's nothing I can do to change the past but the future is mine to decide and I'm afraid she's not going to have a starring role in my future.  Probably not even a supporting role.  She'll be an extra that has no lines and is very rarely seen, if at all.
I hate giving up contact with a blood relative but do I really want that contact given what this person has done to me?  The short answer is 'no'.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Where Did It Go?

Where did all my anger go?  My righteous anger, my unrighteous anger, my illogical and irrational anger... where is it when I need it?
I feel like my foundation has been knocked out from beneath me and instead of being angry about it I'm sad, hurt, lost, and in shock.  But I feel like I should be angry.  My sister told me that our mother told her she knew we were being molested but that she let it continue because he was helping to pay her bills.  She knew, yet she let it continue.  When I finally dredged up the courage to tell her (about a year after it started) she wasn't exactly surprised but she tried to deny it.  Then she finally believed me and left me home to babysit my sister while she went on with her life.  At the time that included school and AA meetings.  I was probably ten years old, my sister would have been five.
Knowing what I know now puts the night I told in perspective.  No wonder she didn't stay home with us and care for us.  She didn't care.  She never bothered to ask my sister if he'd touched her too.  She didn't need to did she?  She pretended to care, she called the police to file a report, sent me to stay with my grandparents for a couple of days for my safety, and had heart to hearts with me as one survivor to another as I got older.
It was all a lie, all one big act to cover and salve her own guilt in making her daughters victims for her own selfish ends.  I thought my childhood was sick and twisted but this is an all new low.  I was holding out hope to have a loving relationship with my mother but that hope is officially dead now.  I don't want a relationship with a monster and I certainly don't want her near my children.
I can feel the anger simmering deep inside me but it's so deeply buried under the other feelings that I'm not sure it will get out.  Mostly I feel sick, physically ill.  I feel like I've been violated all over again and I'm in shock, I feel kind of numb.  I cried in Master's arms last night as I told him what I'd learned.  Gods that man is a gift.  His love for me is so powerful, I feel wrapped up and safe inside it.
I don't know what I'm going to do or if I'm going to do anything.  It will affect the future.  Some people think you can reconcile with your abusers, forgive them, etc.  I can't.  I can not hate them but I can't let them into my life or give them the opportunity to hurt me again.  Given the other abuses my mother heaped on me and the worse ones she heaped on my sister, she doesn't deserve reconciliation.  She doesn't deserve to have me and my sister or our children in her life.  She's unworthy of any of us.
Master is right, this doesn't change who I am but it does put things in a different light.  Our lives could have been so different if our mother hadn't hated us, been selfish, and used us as tools to make her life easier.  I was mostly okay with my past until I found out the truth.  Now, I don't know... I just don't know.  Nothing was what I believed it to be.  Nothing.  I spent a good part of my life trying to earn my mother's love, I felt like there was something wrong with me that if I just tried harder she'd love me.  It should have been the other way around.  She's never been worthy of my love.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fresh Start

It's a nice sunny day today.  The temperature is a bit chilly but the sun is bright and is shining into my cubicle for the moment.  Sunshiney days and cool temps tend to make me feel fresh and new.  I find I'm more motivated on days like today to make positive changes in my life.
I'm trying to pull together a support group of sorts for getting healthy and fit.  I know that for me to be successful I need support and accountability.  I feel ready to get back to work on my physical fitness.  If nothing else it will help improve my moods and energy levels.  It would be nice to drop a few sizes too, I've got a closet full of clothes and I can wear less than half of them due to finding too many lost pounds and being inactive.
I wish I could manage to force myself out of bed early enough in the morning to get a quick ride on the aerodyne bike before work.  For now I'll settle for walks on my breaks and exercise after work at home.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Circling Thoughts

I try to banish them, these thoughts, but they keep bubbling up to the surface.  I guess they need my attention and they're telling me it's time to deal.  I watched Georgia Rule yesterday and while being a good movie, it hit some triggers.  I won't spoil the movie other than to say that part of the story deals with a girl whose step-father molested her.
I was reminded of when we found that a close family friend had molested our oldest two.  I spent time agonizing over what my gut was telling me (the kids denied it for a long time) and not wanting to believe someone I had known for so many years was capable of something so vile.  My gut finally won and he was evicted from our lives.
A few months down the road we heard he'd been jailed for child molestation and again I asked the kids.  This time they told me the truth.  They'd been afraid while he was free.  Part of me died that day and has never recovered.  I know I'm not superwoman and I know I can't control everything.  I even know that I can't keep my children safe from everything.  But that was one thing I'd always wanted to protect them from.  I never wanted them to go through what I'd been through.  I spent a lot of energy teaching them ownership of their bodies and to tell no matter what.  I underestimated the power of intimidation.  I trusted the wrong person and I learned that no matter how well you may think you know a person, no matter how long you know them, you never truly know them.
Part of me will always feel guilty for letting that person into our home and into our lives.  It isn't logical to continue to feel badly about it, it doesn't serve a purpose, but I can't seem to completely rid myself of that guilt.  I feel partly responsible because I spent too much time questioning my gut, my instincts.  Yes I'm human and it's not something you want to believe of your closest friends.  It's a serious allegation to make.  What ifs abound in this type of situation.
I've tried to find forgiveness for myself and for him.  Logically I understand that he's mentally ill, not right in the head, whatever.  But emotionally I don't understand.  He knew about my background, he knew what it did to me, and he knew how I'd react if someone ever did that to my children.  We'd talked.  Sometimes I wonder if he was hoping to be caught by us because of this.  I wonder if he was hoping we'd stop him for good.
During moments when my mind isn't occupied my thoughts circle back to that time.  They go round and round.  I forcibly move my thinking to something more productive but that isn't really dealing with the problem.  I need to go to the source.  I need to ask why.  I didn't really ask many questions when I confronted him after the trial was over and he was convicted.  I was lucky to be able to function then.  I just wanted to hurt him as much as he'd hurt us.  I told him he was dead to us, I wish it were that easy for me.
The kids seem to have managed to take back what he took from them.  They're functioning and mostly happy.  They're creating lives for themselves with fewer problems than I had.  Or at least that's what I see and hear from them.  It's probably time to check in.. though I'm loathe to bring the topic up at all.  I've destroyed all pictures of him and I refuse to speak his name nor do I like to hear his name brought up in conversation.  I truly want to erase him from our lives, I know it won't undo what's done but none of us need reminders of him.
Surprisingly I'm not as down as I thought I'd be.  I'm just a little off today as I move through some of the feelings I've shied away from.
There's no drama, no feelings of 'woe is me', no self-pity.  Just the reality of the situation and finally dealing with some of what I wasn't able to deal with then, or since.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Games We Play

It's funny, the little games we play to initiate SM play, sex, or just some sort of intimacy.
When I was younger I'd wrestle with people I wanted to be near, people I was attracted to.  It was physical closeness and with the right person, turned into more than just wrestling.  I don't really do it anymore, I'm already intimate one way or another with the people I'm attracted to. 
However, Master and I still play silly games and enjoy a lot of humor in our bedroom.  Last night I was just feeling playful as he was getting ready for work.  I attached my hair clip to his penis and I commented "It's starting to grow!  It likes it!"  Then he just sighed and said with mock seriousness, "You've done it now... you've touched it, you have to take care of it" as he lead me to the bed, removing my clothes as we went.  I protested my innocence, not very sincerely, "It wasn't me it was the hair clip!"  "I didn't do anything, it's not my fault!"  He just looked at me and said "The sooner you get up on the bed the sooner we can be done."  It was fun, light, and playful and I guess, a form of foreplay.
I love moments like that because I'm a lil kid at heart and I like to play and be silly.  It thrills me to no end when he plays along with me.  It's been a while since he's been that playful and it's good to see his playfulness returning.  That's one of my favorite things about our relationship, the playfulness and the laughter.  He makes me laugh and I make him go "Hmm.." most of the time.  But still I amuse him with my quirks.
We don't play games to initiate SM, either I ask or he initiates it.  I think it might be fun to try "play punishment", similar to the hair clip situation but with spankings before the sex.  We don't really need these games but they do keep the humor and fun alive in the relationship.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Overcompensating Perhaps?

I've been feeling extremely happy lately.  I finally have this "deep dark secret" that never really was a secret in the first place, off my chest.  I feel like the lines of communication with Master and with m'Lady are wide open finally.  I feel like I can breathe again.
We've had a lot of miscommunication or lack of communication regarding our relationships and it feels SO good to have them open.  I didn't realize how much of my personal misery was tied up in all of that until it finally hit the proverbial fan and we all started talking.
However, as a result I'm finding myself eager to find playmates for Master and wanting to prove to him that I really am okay with him playing with others.  Some of our issues have involved my insecurities, jealousy, and (ultimately) fear of loss of Master's time, love, or attention.  So I've been babbling like a brook about him playing with others, suggesting possible playmates, and asking him if there is anyone in particular that he's interested in.  I know, I know, this is not my area of control.  He made it clear that I needed to put on the brakes and leave it to him.  So I'm letting go and letting him decided if/when he plays with others.
Yesterday, watching an episode of HBO's Big Love I was struck by the beauty of the family atmosphere.  I told Master that that type of life appealed to me somewhat.  I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable, perhaps he's still unsure of me and that will take time, or maybe I'm just off base and he doesn't want another slave.
I can see that my change of mind might seem sudden.  To be honest I've been thinking things through for a long time but there was always something holding me back, something internal.  But that something seems to be gone now and I'm agog at all the possibilities that I've been closed to for so long and that I've kept Master from for so long.  Ultimately my hang-ups have really limited the growth of our relationship as Master and slave so I'm really looking forward to our future now with hope that we'll get out of this rut we've fallen into.  Saturday night was certainly an excellent start.  Friday evening was a good start too.  I was irritable with no real good reason for it and every time I'd get revved up he'd check my attitude, it really helped to not be allowed to get too far with the irritability and negative attitude.
Today life is good. :-)

Awesome Weekend!

This weekend was one of the best I've had in quite a while.  I had things planned and they (mostly) involved being home and doing some projects.  Instead I wasn't home much at all and didn't get the projects done but I did have a great time.
Friday night was a home night, a girls' night in with old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show.  I think my favorite episode has to be the one titled "Wishes" where Xander and Willow are vampires... there is one scene in particular that gets my motor revving.  Xander stands behind a girl and bites one side of her neck, then Willow comes in from the front of the girl on the other side of the neck and as they feed Xander wraps his hands in Willow's hair.  (fanning self) that is just hot hot hot!
Saturday I spent time with our local kink group, got to meet a new member and chatted up friends and got some really good squishy feel good hugs.  Then I picked up HRS and we went to the mall.  First stop Teavana!  OMG!  If you're a tea lover it's definitely the place to go.  They've got a Web site and it's spectacular.  I got to try two teas I'd never had before and I just have to say, loose tea beats the crap out of any bagged tea I've tried so far.  I oohed and ahhed over all the gorgeous teapots and teacups and the sake sets.  I found a book that is a serious wish list item.  It has step-by-step instructions on how to perform Chado, the Japanese Tea Ceremony.  I've been searching for just such a book for YEARS!  Now I've found it, yay!!!  I told HRS to tell LMR (Little Miss Raincloud) that if she's looking for holiday gift ideas I wouldn't be averse to gift cards to Teavana. (grins)
Saturday evening was spent watching movies with HRS and Master, we watched Run Fatboy Run, if you're into British comedy and/or Simon Peg it's a good movie.  It was hilarious and sweet at the same time.  We're big fans of Brit comedy and I'm a major fan of Brit programs like Doctor Who, Hotel Babylon, and Red Dwarf.  So now you know my geek side.
Saturday night Master and I went to bed sort of early and boy am I glad we did.  He got out the cupping set and covered my back with them and then the real fun began.  It was a wonderful way to spend the evening and I was goofy happy that he chose to play with me and made the time to do so.  The sex was great too. ;-)  We rarely have just 'us' time these days.  During the week we're both so freaking worn out from working, plus he works overnights so our schedules never mesh, that the last thing we're thinking of is any kind of SM play.  Sex is generally for his pleasure (and I'm NOT complaining about that-I love it) but we don't have the time to spend enjoying each other that we'd like to have.  Weekends are usually time for both of us to vegetate and recover for the coming work-week.  I really wish Master could get some regular exercise, I think he'd feel a LOT better and have more energy.  I know I've felt a bit better since beginning to walk on my breaks again.  Sure I'm worn out but I don't feel dead at the end of a work day like I had been feeling.
Sunday was fun, it was a girls' day out.  HRS and I went to the Pride parade and Pride Fest and we had lots of fun.  I saw a couple of friends in the parade and at the Fest and got to introduce them to HRS.  HRS and I enjoyed some shows from a locally famous Drag Queen and an excellent Prince impersonator.  It was one of the first times I didn't feel self-conscious, I was dancing and singing along and just having fun.  Poor HRS (who is a bit introverted and shy) was a little embarrassed by Mom's dancing.  Hey, I never said I was good. lol
When we got home we had dinner and watched tv as a family.  It was nice.  I got to bed early and made decent time with my morning routine.
Master has been working on getting into a routine schedule so he can be awake in the evenings with us.  I've really enjoyed it a LOT.  I've missed spending time with him and HRS as a family.

Friday, October 03, 2008


Sooooooooooooooooooo, I don't write about Sir much, if at all.  Mostly this is done out of respect for Master's feelings.  He still struggles with the situation and I wonder if some of that is due to me not talking about Sir much.  It may have been going on for some time but we haven't really dealt with a lot of the issues.  He assures me he's fine to keep me happy and I walk around on eggshells to keep him happy.  In short, bad idea.  My intentions have been good, not wanting him to be uncomfortable reading my blog and not wanting to make him feel "less than" in any way.  But it has backfired and now it feels like we're starting all over and I'm re-learning how to do it and how to do it right.
In not writing about the good stuff I've done a great disservice to Master, Sir, and m'Lady.  Especially to Sir and m'Lady because I used her as a venting/advice tool and never really talked about the good stuff.  As a result I've given her nothing but negative stuff to base her opinion of Sir on.
I feel like such a rookie.  It isn't as if there is a lot of precedence for successful multi-dominant/single submissive relationships.  As I mentioned to a friend in e-mail, I feel like we're pioneers and right now it's like we're lost in a snowstorm in the mountains somewhere with a bad map.  We've been drawing the map as we go and it's time to draw a new map because the old one is waaaaaaaaay off.
I love them and I want all of us to be happy.  The way I see it, in order for any of that to happen we need to work together as a unit instead of as three separate relationships and I need to work on my behavior and communication skills.