Thursday, October 09, 2008

Games We Play

It's funny, the little games we play to initiate SM play, sex, or just some sort of intimacy.
When I was younger I'd wrestle with people I wanted to be near, people I was attracted to.  It was physical closeness and with the right person, turned into more than just wrestling.  I don't really do it anymore, I'm already intimate one way or another with the people I'm attracted to. 
However, Master and I still play silly games and enjoy a lot of humor in our bedroom.  Last night I was just feeling playful as he was getting ready for work.  I attached my hair clip to his penis and I commented "It's starting to grow!  It likes it!"  Then he just sighed and said with mock seriousness, "You've done it now... you've touched it, you have to take care of it" as he lead me to the bed, removing my clothes as we went.  I protested my innocence, not very sincerely, "It wasn't me it was the hair clip!"  "I didn't do anything, it's not my fault!"  He just looked at me and said "The sooner you get up on the bed the sooner we can be done."  It was fun, light, and playful and I guess, a form of foreplay.
I love moments like that because I'm a lil kid at heart and I like to play and be silly.  It thrills me to no end when he plays along with me.  It's been a while since he's been that playful and it's good to see his playfulness returning.  That's one of my favorite things about our relationship, the playfulness and the laughter.  He makes me laugh and I make him go "Hmm.." most of the time.  But still I amuse him with my quirks.
We don't play games to initiate SM, either I ask or he initiates it.  I think it might be fun to try "play punishment", similar to the hair clip situation but with spankings before the sex.  We don't really need these games but they do keep the humor and fun alive in the relationship.

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