Monday, October 06, 2008

Overcompensating Perhaps?

I've been feeling extremely happy lately.  I finally have this "deep dark secret" that never really was a secret in the first place, off my chest.  I feel like the lines of communication with Master and with m'Lady are wide open finally.  I feel like I can breathe again.
We've had a lot of miscommunication or lack of communication regarding our relationships and it feels SO good to have them open.  I didn't realize how much of my personal misery was tied up in all of that until it finally hit the proverbial fan and we all started talking.
However, as a result I'm finding myself eager to find playmates for Master and wanting to prove to him that I really am okay with him playing with others.  Some of our issues have involved my insecurities, jealousy, and (ultimately) fear of loss of Master's time, love, or attention.  So I've been babbling like a brook about him playing with others, suggesting possible playmates, and asking him if there is anyone in particular that he's interested in.  I know, I know, this is not my area of control.  He made it clear that I needed to put on the brakes and leave it to him.  So I'm letting go and letting him decided if/when he plays with others.
Yesterday, watching an episode of HBO's Big Love I was struck by the beauty of the family atmosphere.  I told Master that that type of life appealed to me somewhat.  I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable, perhaps he's still unsure of me and that will take time, or maybe I'm just off base and he doesn't want another slave.
I can see that my change of mind might seem sudden.  To be honest I've been thinking things through for a long time but there was always something holding me back, something internal.  But that something seems to be gone now and I'm agog at all the possibilities that I've been closed to for so long and that I've kept Master from for so long.  Ultimately my hang-ups have really limited the growth of our relationship as Master and slave so I'm really looking forward to our future now with hope that we'll get out of this rut we've fallen into.  Saturday night was certainly an excellent start.  Friday evening was a good start too.  I was irritable with no real good reason for it and every time I'd get revved up he'd check my attitude, it really helped to not be allowed to get too far with the irritability and negative attitude.
Today life is good. :-)

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