Monday, October 20, 2008


When I was upset last week over my sister's revelations about our mother I'd written to m'Lady and Sir.  I needed to vent (a lot) and I needed their support.  I also wanted to let them know what was going on with me just because I like keeping them in the loop.
Sir is on vacation and I didn't expect a response from him until he got back.  But the very next morning after writing he sent me a note of support and love.  His words were sweet and it was obvious he really wished he could offer more than just an e-mail in the way of support.  He even sent me a little something to cheer me up and take my mind off of my troubles.  It was unexpected but welcome all the same, even if I did feel a little guilty about maybe being a downer on his vacation.
They're all wonderfully supportive.  Master keeps reminding me that what may or may not have happened, regardless of the circumstances, doesn't change who I am.  He's right and once I digested and processed the information I wrote an (as of yet) unsent letter to my mother describing my feelings, which has helped me move through them.  I'm feeling better about it.  There's nothing I can do to change the past but the future is mine to decide and I'm afraid she's not going to have a starring role in my future.  Probably not even a supporting role.  She'll be an extra that has no lines and is very rarely seen, if at all.
I hate giving up contact with a blood relative but do I really want that contact given what this person has done to me?  The short answer is 'no'.

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