Thursday, June 02, 2005

Fantasy Talk

When the mood hits, not that mood, Master and I talk about how things will be when the kids are grown and on their own. One of his favorite things to talk about is how I won't be allowed to wear any clothes in the house. I'm trying to wrap my head around this. I'm a practical kind of girl and running about the house naked all the time, while it sounds fun and hot and all that, just doesn't seem practical.

I realize that Master's whims don't have to be practical, I just can't help thinking about the what ifs. I'm sure, knowing him as I do, he'd have contingency plans in place for things like surprise guests, etc. As I've said before, the thing he enjoys most is playing with my mind and I'm betting he'll grin like the Cheshire Cat when he reads this entry. The worst part about his mindf*cks is that you just never know for sure. It could be that he's just saying something to see a reaction, then again, he could be serious and saying it to see the reaction.

Back to the original idea, fantasy talk... I look forward to more Master and me time. I look forward to being able to play if we choose to or being able to sit naked next to him on the couch watching t.v. I wonder if other M/s couples with kids have the same talks about the possibilities like Master and I do.

I love thinking about the possibilities.


Anonymous said...

ohh kids.. I think we all have that "when the kids move out." lol

be good

Joy said...


You're right of course. *grins*

Anonymous said...

mmm...*nods* as much as we love em, we have those moments old are yours? Our lil ones are 2, 4 and we've got a looong while before that :)

Hugs sweetie...have a wonderful weekend!

Joy said...


Ours are 17 1/2, 15 1/2, and 11. The two oldest have given us plenty of gray hairs let me tell you. I think we're both a little burned out by it all. We love them to pieces, really, but we'll both breathe sighs of relief when they're on their own. *chuckles*

*hugs* You have a good weekend too!

Anonymous said...

We have them from 6 to almost 30 wih a generous helping inbetween. We are sort of like the Brady Bunch with a Cheaper by the Dozen twist. And his grandchild is almost as old as the youngest. Just when you think they are gone, they come back home again. I don't think they will ever all be gone at once. I don't think I have ever gotten beyond thinking about getting in an RV and moving so they can't find their way home again! Just kidding!!!


Joy said...


I had to chuckle over your "just when you think they're gone, they come back home again" comment. It's too true.

I like your RV idea however I think our kids would hunt us down and find us. lol!
