Friday, June 24, 2005


So, this weekend Master and I plan to attend a public play party and wouldn't you know it? I develop a bladder infection in the last 48 hours. I'd been feeling a sense of impending doom all week. I thought for sure something was going to happen to keep Master and I from going to the party or, at the very least, from enjoying it fully.

I was sure it was because he has to work part of Saturday, now I know it's the bladder infection. The good news is that I got myself to the doctor post haste. As soon as I was sure that the irritated "full" feeling in my lower belly was indeed a bladder infection I headed out the door to the doc. I've got meds and should be able to get a full day's course in yet today so hopefully I'll be feeling a bit better by this time tomorrow. I think I'm lucky this time around in that it's a pretty mild one. I didn't wait for it to get worse, I'm no fool. lol

Yesterday Master and I were both very cranky and feeling a little violent. I wonder now if my crankiness was due to the budding bladder infection. I don't know though, I've had a couple of days of being cranky with little to no explanation or visible cause. I'd chalk it up to hormones but that just sounds so excuse-like.

We were both supposed to go see a sneak preview of Bewitched last night (which is really good, go see it!) but he just didn't feel up to being surrounded by a crowd of people. At first I was pretty disappointed and behaved badly as a result. I was able to make some peace with it and came to a point of acceptance after dinner. Today I can see that it was a good thing that I went alone. I think I needed a little alone time and going to a movie was just perfect. I could let go and just be in the moment in my own little bubble. I felt SO relaxed when I got home. Master was visibly relaxed, dare I say Jell-Oesque.

Today we're both in much better moods which is a relief. I don't know about him or anyone else but when I'm that cranky I'm absolutely miserable and just aching for relief in any form.

As an unrelated side note, I have 50 gmail invites, if you want one leave me a comment.


Anonymous said...

hugs sweetie...feel better soon!

magdala said...

Hope you feel better soon! Drink glasses and glasses of water with apple cider vinegar in them. It flushes and cleanses and does not react with scripts. It just adds speed to the healing time and greatly reduces your discomfort.
Take care!

Joy said...

anissa, *hugs* back to you. Thanks to modern medicine and my determination to be well enough for last night's party, I am feeling much better.

magdala, I hadn't heard of using apple cider vinegar before. Usually it's cranberry juice. Fascinating, and something I'll have to try. Thanks for the suggestion.

magdala said...

I'm from the South though love, we use it for everything! LOL!
Hope youa re feeling better!

magdala said...

PS, How was the party by the way?