Thursday, April 15, 2004

New projects

Well it seems my Lady has decided I need some new projects to keep me busy. I'm excited about the new projects. She's commissioned me to make her two sets of rope floggers and we've talked about her buying the tools I'd need to make leather floggers with the understanding that I'd owe her a leather flogger. Too cool!

I love to create things; it is very satisfying to be able to make something with my hands and even more satisfying when someone else appreciates what I've made.

I'm looking forward to the challenge of learning how to work with leather too. I promise I won't roll around on the living room floor in the leather...much. Leather fetish, moi? Oui! What can I say; I'm a leather slut... I love the scent, I love the texture, I love how it feels against my skin, and I especially love how men look in leather. *shivers*

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, when Master and I were first dating. He'd bought himself a leather biker jacket... one evening while I was visiting him, we went to his bedroom... put on some AC/DC tunes and he laid out his leather for me to lie on...and we had sex with me snuggled up in his leather jacket. It was good sex too, the toe curling, goose bump raising kind. Hard to imagine teenagers being able to have sex that good but he has always been an exceptional lover.

So, I have the prospect of new projects and having the scent of leather to surround me, I can't wait to get started!