Wednesday, May 12, 2004

A new day

Today is a new day and I'm feeling more positive than I was a couple of days ago. Master is taking a more active role in my fitness goals. I'm very grateful for him and his guidance.

I got some excellent news in the mail yesterday; I'm being reinstated for financial aid at school. I was put on financial aid cancellation for being deficient by one credit after the fall term. I appealed the decision and I won! Yay! I have to meet a few requirements first but I'm happy to do so.
After talking to Master and my Lady, it has been decided that I will change my program of study from Legal Assistant to Administrative Assistant. I feel good about this decision. It is a degree I can complete. It wasn't so definite with the Legal Assistant degree because of the math requirements.

Tomorrow I go in to discuss things with an advisor and hopefully get registered for either the summer or the fall term.

It's strange but I feel like I have direction again. Over the past few months I've felt sort of like I've been living in a holding pattern. I guess, in a way, I was. I was waiting to see if I was going to get to finish school or if I was going to have to give it up for a while. I look forward to new challenges.