Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Positives and change

Doing the five positives a day assignment has helped me some. I've been able to focus more on the positives than the negatives. As soon as a negative pops into my head I am consciously aware of it and take steps to banish it.

It feels good to know that Master knows what is good for me and that he will take steps to make sure I get what is good for me. I feel cared for and nurtured in this way. It's strange, being nurtured; I never was as a child. It feels good and it makes me feel good about me, it makes me feel like I am worthy.

I'm all ready for school to start next week. I don't know how often I'll be able to journal right at the start. Until I settle into a routine I expect I'll be feeling a bit harried.

I'm dreading going back, I hate the first day of class with all that goofy getting-to-know-you stuff that teachers do. I'm nervous about my performance, will I maintain my good grades or will I stumble in these classes? The rational side of me says "Look, you've done very well so far in classes with heavy reading and writing of papers, you'll be fine." I should really listen to me huh?

You know, with the prices they charge for these books they really ought to read themselves for you.

At any rate, life is picking up again for me. My time as a hermit is over, no more hiding at home with my only human interaction being my family, online, and the lady at the checkout aisle. I think I'm ready for it.