Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Learning new skills

Today's entry comes from a journal prompt at Kindlings
1. What skill would you like to learn to improve your service?

Grace, I'd like to learn how to be graceful. I'd like to learn how to control my body so I can move with grace and ease. I feel like a bull in a china shop most of the time. I bumble and stumble around at times. At least that's how it feels to me, I'm not sure how I appear.

Master has lovingly teased me about my clumsiness but has never stated that it displeases him or that I should do anything to change it. But still I feel as though it needs changing.

I watch documentaries about Geishas, I see other very graceful slaves, and I want to know their secret, how did they learn it? What's more, how can I learn it? I suppose one should start with taking the body off of autopilot and become mindful of one's movements. Easy peasy right? We'll see.