Monday, November 08, 2004

The weekend

Our weekend was a bit of a let down. Master had a migraine Saturday so we weren't able to go to the party and subsequently, didn't get to do the cutting demo.

I was looking forward to the entire night and was disappointed but I was more concerned about his health. At first I felt very pouty and wanted to throw a fit about not being able to go. It was hard to keep the poutiness out of my voice and I'm sure I wasn't entirely successful. On the drive home, however, the poutiness seemed to leak out of me and my concern for him replaced it. We got home and we lounged on the couch watching TV all night. We went to bed early and slept late Sunday.

I think the extra sleep did him some good; his headache was gone by morning; although, a grouchy irritableness had descended on me. Everything and everyone was driving me to distraction. Teasing comments that would have earned a teasing come back from me, felt personal and upset me.

I felt like nothing I could do or say was the right thing. It was just one of those days. We went to the store and on the drive there I did my best to calm down and find my center. It wasn't easy but by the time we got home Master and I both felt better. My mood had set off a dark mood in him. It could have been a terrible day but we managed to salvage it and had a good afternoon/evening together.

I am proud of myself, last night before bed; I asked Master if we could make a little time to play this week. I realized that some of my bad mood earlier in the day could have been related to frustration over Saturday night and a need to play. Asking for what I need is getting easier. Being able to ask for something I need is a relief. Now, it's up to him to decide if I really need it or not and that feels good too.