Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Exhausted musings

My mind is exhausted, my body is too, but the pain keeps me awake, constantly shifting position in bed to find one that isn't as painful as the previous one was. I'm concerned that my restlessness disturbs Master's sleep. I'm concerned that seeing my discomfort is causing him undue worry and stress.

Work is going well; I'm picking up on each task presented to me pretty quickly. Actually, thus far, it's very simple work that doesn't require a lot of mental effort. I actually battle through the morning to keep myself from nodding off. I wonder what they'd say if I did nod off? Gods, at those moments a nap would feel SO good and I want nothing more than to curl up somewhere, even under the table, for a good solid hour or two of uninterrupted sleep.

I'm looking forward to this weekend's play party; it looks to be a smaller one. While I like the small parties, I wonder if the low numbers are due to us presenting the blood play demo. Perhaps I'm trying to take blame that just isn't mine to take.

I am looking forward to the cutting and the play piercing. Master has yet to decide on a design for this cutting. I was partial to the Kanji symbol for slave but Master is partial to Runes. Guess who wins? *grins*

You know, it's a lucky thing that I am not hung up on scars and such, I love being Master's canvas and I love seeing the permanent reminders of his work on my flesh. His marks in my flesh mark me as his more surely than the collar he gifted me with. Bleeding for him is the deepest form of submission I can think of... offering up my life force for his pleasure. There is power in the blood.